Chapter 4 : Laser Vision

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Chapter 4 : Laser Vision

Wednesday 13th September 2020

laser vision

noun: vision
(often used as metaphor or fictional superpower) the state of being able to shoot lasers from one's eyes.
"she stared at the girl with laser vision"

"I just can't believe you EVER had a crush on that...ugh!" Esther motions towards the now bruised and battered Thomas, who's smirking in our direction.

I scoff, "Beats me".

He shows off his biceps to his female 'friends' which - in his arrogant words that he flexed in front of the whole cafeteria - 'pummelled Levi into the ground', even though we all know that Levi clearly beat the utter shit out of him.

I swear that asshole thinks he's god's gift or something.

Quinn squints to observe his injuries and says, "I mean, I can't believe someone can say such twatty stuff and just get away with a busted up face and 3 day suspension. All though, apparently he has to help Mr Grey - the woodtech teacher - scratch off all the gum under the tables. He so deserves it for saying such cruel, stupid things about our Allie..."

This makes me gulp.

Even though they didn't know it, Thomas' words had sunk in.


It made me question everything I did. Am I eating too much? Do people really think that I'm that disgusting? Am I the only one who doesn't spend hours a week at the gym just to have a good body? These thoughts now swarm me every waking hour and I find it hard to concentrate on anything else.

Like now, I look down at my everyday meal; sausage roll, milkshake and chocolate chip cookie. I glance across the table to see all three of my friends munching on green salads or oaty energy bars with water bottles at arms reach.

Well I guess some might say my lunch is un-nutritious.

I look up to their smooth faces to see them smiling happily, their slim bodies reaching over to occasionally grab things or flipping their perfect hair around, catching the attention of some nearby boys from the year below.

Now there's no way they could have any insecurities.

When I started to look, I realised I'd not noticed how different they were to me.

I shake out of my thoughts and resume the conversation. Every now and then, I peer over to Thomas' table, where he sits back.

Watching me.

So intensely it feels like his eyes are burning lasers into the back of my head.

I turn to scold him from across the room, but I get caught off-guard to see him holding the end of his nose up with his middle finger and snorting like a pig. It may be immature but it still fucked up the thoughts in my mind.

The bell rings and I walk off, the girls oblivious of the interaction between Thomas and I.

Tears cloud my vision, however I couldn't let him have the satisfaction of knowing he had any effect on me.


I'm sitting in my English class, when I feel a hard tap against my leg.



Poke - poke - poke

Nancy does a few last jabs with her biro before I swivel in my plastic seat towards her. The rest of the class continues to work in silence as they listen to the lesson. As far as I'm concerned, nobody's noticing or in fact caring at all.

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