Part 2

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Steven awoken to the sound of worried cries. He opened his eyes to see everyone there, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth, Connie, even Jasper. All of them were surrounded him, with tears in their eyes.

"Oh Thank goodness!" cried Pearl, "We weren't sure you were going to be ok."

"I'm sorry we weren't there sooner," Garnet said. "I don't understand, I couldn't see anything until it already happened.

Suddenly everyone started talking at once. Steven tried to move, but a rush of pain swept over him. He placed his hand over his stomach, and as he felt nothing there his memories of the incident returned. 

"How long was I out?" he asked, suddenly very worried.

Pearl was the one to answer after everyone got quiet. "A full two weeks. Garnet told us that all of her future visions saw you on the ground missing your gem. And when we found you it was already done."

"What scares me the most is that I didn't see who it happened," said Garnet. "Nor did I see who did it."

Steven was about to tell them when he noticed that he wasn't in the temple. He was on the Diamond command ship, with the three diamonds and Spinel looking down at him worried as well.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"Well," started Peridot, "the warp pad we found you next is a very unique model, one that was modified so that gem s can us it. Thankfully there is only one planet where the warp pad was even used. Making it easy for us to have a lead."

"Unfortunately," Yellow Diamond said, continuing from where Peridot left off, "it is not a place we'd like to go to."

"What do you mean?"

"The planet is know as Zorlas Prime. We tried to colonize many centuries ago, but only one gem was made there. Every other time we tried to make something, gems, structures, kindergartens, they would all be destroyed within minutes."

"And we don't mean common shattering steven," said Blue diamond in a shaken. "Out of the gem we were able to recover, they would be reduced to dust with a simple touch. In human words, it's a gem graveyard."

Silence few upon the ship. Many of the gems were looked absolutely terrified about where they were going. Connie rose from her seat and sat down next to Steven.

"So who did take your gem?" she asked.

Steven sat quietly, unsure about what was about to happen to them. "I don't know, but he wasn't a gem." Suddenly, the boy realized acknowledged something Yellow Diamond said. "Wait you said one gem was made on this planet. Who was it?"

Both Blue and Yellow refused to answer, leaving the only one to know being White. Out of all of them, white was clearly the most scared to go to this planet, yet they all did to retrieve his gem. Finally White answered him.

"The only gem to be created on this planet, was Pink Diamond."

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