The Underworld

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Hades Perspective:

I didn't want to let go of Stephanie. I also didn't want to leave her here with Aphrodite, Hermes, and especially not Zach. I had no other choice. I hate that she decided for me, but if it's what she wants then I will do it. Stephanie needs time to discover herself and I need time to go back to the Underworld. To revel in everything that Zach took from me. 

As I was teleporting to the underworld, I could see Stephanie crying and I knew she wouldn't forgive herself. But this wasn't good bye. I would see her again. 

I didn't remember much about the Underworld, but then I started thinking about Thanatos and Hecate. I started picturing how I would want my realm to look like. This teleportation felt longer and I felt like my head was spinning. Once my feet hit the ground, I opened my eyes to find myself in front of large river. Luckily all my reading up on greek mythology had prepared me for this exact moment. This had to be the river Styx. It was dark and cold here, the water was reflective of the rock around it. It was almost like a quarry. I don't know what awaits me beyond here, but I think I'm ready to find out. I started walking towards the river and it looked deep. In the distance there was a tiny bright light approaching me. I looked closer and there was a tiny boat and a man holding a candle. I guessed it was Charon. The boat and the man finally reached the shore. The man's eyes were shriveled and what seemed full of wisdom. He had a long white beard that matched his long white hair. He was tall, but very thin. His voice was deep and raspy, "The King has finally returned. Welcome back, Hades." "Thank you, Charon?" "Yes, that is my name. Are you ready to get on?" In that moment I didn't know if I was ready. I started thinking about Stephanie and our last hours. I took a deep breath and I stepped onto the boat, "I'm ready." 

As we got further into the Underworld, it all seemed on barren. There was some light, but only as light as it could be with no sun. We finally reached the end of the river and I got off the boat. Charon touched my shoulder and I turned around, "Good luck, my King." Thanatos and Hecate were waiting for me. Thanatos patted my shoulder, "Hades, I'm glad you've returned." I started facing Hecate, the woman who raised the second version of Persephone with which whom I fell in love with. She had long black hair that paired well with her pale complexion. "Hades-" I opened my arms and I just hugged her. She was the only connection I had to Stephanie. She hugged me back. "Hades, where is Stephanie?" She whispered in my ear. I let go of her, "She needed time to figure things out with her new powers." "I could've mentored her! Where is she now?" "I know you could've helped her, but she needed this and I didn't want to earn her love by promising you." "Fine. I understand, but we will discuss this later," she said firmly. Hecate continued, "Why don't I show you the rest of the Underworld? I heard you're unfamiliar with it." I agreed. Thanatos said that he would see me later. 

We walked towards my castle and past the Asphodel Meadows, where most souls reside, and the Elysian Fields, which were reserved for the best souls. The Meadows and Fields were the only places with life, there were flowers, trees, green grass, and lavender growing. Other than that, it was barren and dark. The other rivers that we passed were also very sad. So dark and frigid. Hecate said she would take me to see the rest of the rivers and Tartarus tomorrow. "Why is everything so-" "Depressing?" Hecate added. "Yes. I mean I know this is the Underworld, but this isn't what I had in mind?" She stopped walking and stood in front of me, "Hades, when you and Persephone were taken from here, the whole realm collapsed into misery. You are the creator of this place, so with you gone, everything that was once vibrant turned gloomy." She continued, "But this isn't your fault." "I know. It's all of Zeus's fault. I almost died." She looked concerned, "Why don't you tell me everything as we keep walking to your castle?"

I told her everything I remembered. In regards to owning a bar and Olympia's used books, to meeting Stephanie and falling for her, then everything with Demeter and Zeus. The Holiday party. The Holiday dinner. All the fights. Being shot. Leaving New Mount. Becoming a God. Again.

"I'm so sorry that you and Stephanie went through all of that. But I want you to know that I didn't want to "die" on her. I wished I could have kept being her mom for longer, but the fates-" "I know, I know. Hecate." 

We finally reached the castle. It was everything I had imagined, but it looked deserted. And it reeked of blood and smoke. It was high with black, gothic architecture. "Nobody lives here?" "As Thanatos told you, I had a psychic link to Persephone, but I didn't have one for you. We all thought you had died. That Zeus would have killed you the first chance he got once you all had turned to mortals. All the staff and souls who lived here once before with you, moved out. This was your grave." "How do I clean it?" She started giggling. "Hades, you can use your magic." "Right." "I can help you with your magic as well, but I think you'll get the hang of it quickly." "Please do." She smiled. I couldn't keep my eye off the vast castle that stood in front of me. This whole world intrigued me. It was all mine, and I wasn't overwhelmed. I saw large black figure pacing towards me. Hecate started whistling. There was black doberman with three heads running to me. "Cerberus!" She yelled out. All of the dog's heads started licking my legs. I crouched down and I let the dog smell me. Cerberus quickly recognized my scent. He jumped on top of me and he was strong. I immediately fell to the ground and the dog started licking my face. I started scratching the top of the dog's head. Hecate whistled and the dog backed off of me and sat down. Hecate made a small gesture and the dog went back to the lifeless garden surrounding the castle and with that Cerberus was out of sight. Hecate reached her hand out and she helped me get up. We then walked inside the castle. 

Stephanie's Perspective: 

I woke up to knocking at the door. I didn't want to get up. I turned to check what time it was. It was still early, but the knocking wasn't stopping. I reluctantly got up from bed and went to open the door. Danielle was standing in front of me. "Hello, daughter." She said as she let herself in through the door. "What do you want, mother?" "I know that Hades is gone." 

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