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We all teleported to Zeus and Hera's mansion since Paul- I mean Hephaestus was going to drive us, although I didn't quite understand why we didn't just teleport where we were going to go. Once we all had gotten there, Aphrodite ran over to Hephaestus, who was leaning against the sleek black limousine which I guess was our ride, in her five-inch, pink heels. As she ran Hermes yelled out at her, "Where's Ares?!" She gave him the finger once she was with her husband. Hermes laughed. As we all walked towards the limo I turned to Hermes, "Seriously though, where is Ares? And the rest of them?" "Why ask me? Because I'm the almighty, all knowing messenger Hermes?" I rolled my eyes and Hermes started giggling. He finally responded, "Ares, Poseidon, Zeus, Hera, and Demeter are all in Zeus's mansion. They're figuring out how we'll all return and what we will return to." "I thought that Zeus had an escape plan that we'll all use to leave?" "Stephanie! We can focus on that tomorrow!" His reaction just made me want to know more. 

Hermes, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Dionysus, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and I all hopped into the limo. Since Hephaestus was driving, Aphrodite decided to ride beside him in the passenger seat. I was little surprised because I thought the delicate dress she was wearing needed more room than a passenger seat, but I was happy she was with her love. Dionysus started passing out tiny bottles of liquor, and even though they were small he had so many that there were plenty for everyone to get tipsy, hell maybe even drunk. Yet, I didn't know how long it would take to get my goddess body drunk. I guess tonight would answer that question. Everyone else was mingling and singing along to the music playing from the car speakers. I was trying to forget the last two days by gulping down the many tiny tequilas, but I couldn't help but think of him. Hades

"Damn Stephy, you really want to get drunk!" Hermes yelled. I looked at him, "Now are you going to tell me what we're going to do?!" "Firstly, we're going to New York City! And there we are going to drink and dance the night away!" He leaned even closer to me and he started whispering, "And I didn't want to tell you this, but Aphrodite and I planned to go back to your apartment in Boston to retrieve your things. Well, at least those things that contain sentimental value. We know how hard it must be to be away from Hades, so we thought seeing your past might help you." I was actually happy. Genuinely happy. I couldn't believe they would do as something so sweet. For me. I grabbed Hermes hand and squeezed it. He smiled and then quickly resumed drinking and talking to Apollo. 

The car ride seemed really fast and by the time I was on my sixth tiny drink, we were already in New York City. The last time I was here I was passing by to go to New Mount since I was chasing Hades. It seemed like a lifetime ago. We all got out of the limo and I saw that Hephaestus had handed the keys over to the valet driver. We all stood in front of what seemed a very exclusive club. The outside looked upscale with a sleek, white sign that read Envy. Surrounding the entrance were patches of vibrant green grass and flowers, intentionally placed, which was surprising since we were in New York City after all. As we got closer, I heard the beating of the music through the walls. Hermes walked up to the bouncer first and whispered something in his ear. The bouncer nodded and let us all in. I could still hear the long line of mortals screaming, desperately at the bouncer to let them in as I passed through. 

As I entered my lungs were filled with the smoke coming from one corner of the hot, noisy dance floor, which was directly in front of us. There were so many people dancing, others kissing each other, and some drinking. On the right side of the club, there was bar that wrapped around half the dance floor, with bartenders shaking cocktails and handing out beers to the club-goers. I kept looking around to get a sense of my surrounding. The outside of the club contradicted with the inside. The outside made it seem as if only the cities most elite would be here, yet the inside looked like a normal club. To my left there was staircase in the near distance and I couldn't see what it led to. Maybe the rooftop? Or maybe that is where the elites go. I wanted to get closer to the stairs, but the flashing lights were blinding me and the blasting music felt louder. I think my goddess body made all my senses heightened. However, I was able to spot a tall man going down the stairs and coming our way. He was buff and had wavy, brown hair. His eyes were golden and had a crooked smile. He kept eyeing Hermes and Hermes was looking at him. I walked towards Hermes, "Who's he?" Hermes locked his arm in mine and started leading me to the dance floor, "I don't know? He probably just wants to have sex with me or something. Forget about it." His response made me uneasy. Dionysus and Athena had gone to bar to get some drinks, while the rest of us were on the dance floor. Aphrodite was grinding up against Hephaestus, Apollo was talking to some girls while Artemis had walked back over to the bar to help Athena bring over the drinks with Dionysus. I started dancing, but I wasn't keeping my eyes off of Hermes. I knew that he knew something about the man and whatever was upstairs. I could see that Hermes was looking at the stairs and deciding if to go up or not. I grabbed Hermes's hand and I started dancing with him, "Seriously, Hermes who was that?!" "What?! I can't hear you!" I brought Hermes in closer, "The man that was looking at you? Who was that?" Hermes started smiling, "Why? Wanna get over Hades?" I pushed Hermes back. I was getting upset, he knew something and wasn't saying anything. "Stephanie! What is your problem!?" People were starting to look at us. Aphrodite was starting to look at me. "Hermes why don't you just open your big mouth and tell me who the hell that was?!" "Stephanie, you need to calm the fuck down right now! And I already told you I don't know who that is! Gods!" Hermes stormed off in the direction of the stairs and I needed to follow him. But someone tried grabbing my shoulder. I yanked their hand away and I looked to see who it was. Aphrodite was standing behind me looking concerned, "Stephanie, what happened? Are you okay?" "No! I'm not okay! But I can't talk right now." I started pacing towards the stairs while I heard Aphrodite yelling my name, but I didn't stop or turn around. 

I ran up the stairs and I could see that Hermes walked in the furthest room from the stairs and that man was behind him. I started running towards the door because I didn't know if it would lock when the door would shut. Once I had gotten to the door I gently laid my phone on the floor between the door and the wall so that the door wouldn't shut all the way. I started eavesdropping on their conversation. "Hermes, I'm glad you could make it." I hated when Hermes lied! I knew he knew who the man was! I furious! Hermes responded, "Stop it with the pleasantries, Sebastian. You know my father, so I know you aren't a good person." "Awh, come on. I thought we were trying to build a relationship. Oh well, it doesn't matter. I know why you're here." "And why do you think I'm here?" Sebastian started laughing and then his voice got serious, "As you said, I knew your father and that I do. As a matter of fact, I know your family very well. I know you could only be here now if the queen of hell broke the curse." Why was he talking about me. Hermes started laughing. "Queen of hell? Are you crazy?" Sebastian answered. "I know you're a god, so you acting dumb just makes you sound dumb." I heard Hermes stand up. I barged into the room. "Who are you?!" The man just laid back in his red leather couch and gave me a smirk. Hermes yelled, "Leave! Now!" But then I heard another voice behind me. "Stephanie!" I turned around to find Aphrodite staring me down and everyone else behind her. Hermes looked angry. Sebastian stood up, "Wow, Hermes, I see you brought everyone. How lovely." 

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