Just the Beginning

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Hayes Perspective: 

I was even more overwhelmed than I was previously. How was I going to tell Stephanie that we must return to the underworld? Part of me has always been ready to return, but I can't go without Stephanie. I won't go without Stephanie. "My King? Did you hear what I said?" Thanatos asked me. I sat down at the bench to collect my thoughts. "Yes- uh- I did hear you." "Where is the queen? We can leave now?" I quickly stood up, "No!" Thanatos stumbled backwards in what seemed fear. "I'm sorry, Thanatos. I didn't mean to scare you. Did I used to try to instill fear in  you on purpose?" I sat down. Thanatos stood confidently again. "No, I am sorry, my King. You didn't. It's just I haven't seen you in such a long time that I do not know you any more." Zach took so much away from Stephanie and me. I don't even know myself anymore. Thanatos sat beside me and his wings receded into his back. "I am very sorry, Hades. I should not have brought all of this up so quickly." "It's not your fault. Zeus is at fault here. I want to go back with you, but I don't know if Stephanie- I mean Persephone is ready to return." He looked confused, "Why not, my King?" "That doesn't matter right now. Can I ask you a couple of questions?" "Go ahead, my King." 

"Firstly, how did Hecate know that we had regained our memories?" "When the curse was taking over the underworld, Hecate collected some things that belonged to Persephone and she used her magic to create a psychic connection to Persephone. Twenty-one years ago, Hecate was tired of having Persephone being here and there so she begged the fates to finally reunite you two. However, the fates have been angry at all of us since Zeus and Demeter put the curse onto the twelve Olympians because the whole curse was never a part of anyone's fate." I replied, "I'm still confused. What does this have to do with Hecate knowing we got our memories back?" "Although the fates were angry at us, they compromised. They allowed Hecate to pose as Stephanie's mother and guide her to you, to guide her to this whole town in order to regain everyone's conscious and ultimately break the curse. The psychic connection she made earlier with Persephone's things allowed Hecate to know exactly where she was going to reborn and thus adopt her." "Let me get this straight, Hecate was Stephanie's adoptive mother? The one who died?" "Yes, my King. Well Hecate didn't actually died, her time on earth was done. She returned to the underworld and then when Persephone broke the curse, Hecate knew-" I interrupted, "Because of the psychic connection." "Exactly." "Now how do I go back to the underworld?" "My King, you are Hades. You can teleport there." I let out an awkward laugh, "Right. Of course." "Now are you ready to come back with me or should we wait for our queen?" "She isn't coming. I didn't tell her where I was going. But I don't think she would come with me." "Well then maybe she can join us later, but I was sent on a task by Hecate to bring you back." "I understand, Thanatos, but I must speak to Stephanie before I would ever even consider leaving." "That's fine, my King, but I must been returning, especially since I have no humans to collect, but I do hope to see in the underworld soon." And with that he vanished. 

Stephanie's Perspective:

"What do you mean you were all leaving to Mount Olympus? Like is there a direct flight there or something?" Hermes and Aphrodite started laughing, but I was serious. Why was I just now finding out about this? I thought these people were my friends, but now I'm starting to think Hayes was right. Maybe we should leave. "And why didn't anyone tell me?! If I didn't come here today was nobody ever going to tell me?!" Hermes responded, "Are you seriously upset now, Stephanie?" "Yes! I am! Can you just tell me what the hell is going on?" Aphrodite stopped packing and walked over to me, "Stephanie, relax and don't listen to him," she said as she turned her head to face Hermes. She quickly turned her neck to face me again, "Of course we were going to tell you. We weren't going to leave without you, and I'm sorry if we made you feel that way." "Thank you. Now are you going to explain how it's going to happen? When? Who decided this?" Hermes answered me, "You ask too many questions." Aphrodite rolled her eyes, "We're leaving by the end of the week, and by we I mean everyone- well except Hades. Zeus has actually been helpful and he explained that he came up with a backup plan in case anything went wrong, there's a secret portal that takes us straight back. And we all decided it while you and Hades left the mansion." I was puzzled, "Wait, what do you mean Hades isn't coming? And Zach is actually helpful?" Hermes started laughing. Aphrodite replied, "You do know that Hades rules the Underworld, I mean I guess he could join us, but I don't think he would. And yes! Surprisingly Zeus can be very helpful when he wants to get back to Mount Olympus." Hermes stood up, "Let's not talk about Zeus or Hades, so what are your new powers? That's always more fun!" Aphrodite started packing her things away again, "And would you like to go first, Hermes?" "As a matter of fact, yes! I mean look these wings! You know I went running and flying last night to test out my powers and it was like lightening speed-" Aphrodite interrupted him, "Don't let Zeus hear you." Hermes continued, "Very funny. Anyways, have you both also tried teleporting?! Because if you haven't, you need to!" I responded, "Actually I have, but it made me feel very dizzy. But flying sounds fun." Hermes walked over to Aphrodite, "What about you, Aphro?" "Don't call me that, but I can sense lust, love, and sexual energies. I can even influence others to express their feelings of love, in all forms if you know what I mean." Hermes started grinning, "I'm guessing you're talking about that gorgeous husband of yours." Aphrodite starting quietly giggling. "What about you, Stephanie?" Hermes asked me. "I can teleport as I said, I can also grow things, mostly plants and some flowers. I can also apparently use Hayes's magic for my own will." Hermes responded, "Oh that's scary," then he started laughing. Aphrodite also spoke up, "That's really amazing, Stephanie. Making something out of nothing." I nodded. 

Soon after that, I teleported back to Hayes's apartment. I was getting more used to the motions of teleporting. He was looking out at the view from his balcony. I walked towards him and I could see he had drank half a bottle of wine. His hands were stretched out on the balcony and his head was down. He seemed worried. I slipped open the door that led to the balcony and he swiftly turned around. "What are you doing out here?" I asked him. I reached his hand out to me and I took it. He brought me into this chest and he held me tightly. I could sense his magic burying me under the weight of it, it smelled like smoke and other spices. He finally replied, "I needed to think." He kissed my forehead and let me go. I knew there was something on his mind. "I can't believe that I have to say this-" I grabbed his hand, "What? Hayes tell me? It'll be okay, I promise. Just tell me." He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it. "I need to go back to the Underworld." 

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