Fall from grace

61 22 14

I want to ask you to lie to me
Tell me you don't love me,
That when you wrote poems
That they weren't for me,
That when you looked at me
That you were seeing his face all along.

Other than this silent falling will do.
Other than knowing we will hit the ground like we're destined to.

Fall from grace

Author's Note

Happy New Year, readers! I know I've been a little absent lately but a lot has been going on. One day I'll give you guys the tell-all but for now just trust me, it's been intense. But with a new year, comes new opportunities, better experiences to look forward to. Here's to an incredible 2022!

The first dedication of the New Year goes to VanessaApekey for her supportive votes and comments! It means more than you know!

There's only one (1) poem left folks! If you want the final dedication of this book go ahead and vote and spam the comments! Tell me your favorite poem and your new years resolutions! Get ready to say goodbye, folks.

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