Chapter 2

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~Barry POV~

The bell rung, signaling the start of lunch, Barry left his math class feeling like he had left an exam he didn't study for and wandered around the school, trying to find the cafeteria, not that he could afford much.

He opened his wallet only to find a couple dollars in there he sighed but before he could put his wallet away he felt himself collided into another person as they both fell on the ground.
Barry sprung up and looked at the person he just collided into. The girl had long scarlet hair and butterfly-shaped ribbons in her hair and clearly did not look thrilled. 

"Oh god, I am so sorry!" Barry exclaimed as he went to help her but she quickly stood up, an annoyed look on her face.

"Watch where your going!? Can you not walk properly!?" The girl practically yelled before Barry could let out another word she stormed back to her friends and they all went away, he grabbed his things off the ground, he felt annoyed that she just shouted at him and didn't give him a chance to help her. Barry brushed it off and resume searching for the cafeteria. 

After another minute of searching he found it, feeling stupid for the amount of times he must have passed it, he entered and quickly noticed his friends sitting at a table chit-chatting, Barry went to wait in line, while waiting he looked at the menu, and tried to think up what to eat that he could afford, in the corner of his eye he watched girl bumped into stand in line behind him talking with her friends.
He felt that annoying feeling burning inside but he didn't want to start trouble, then finally it was his turn to order.

"Hello. What can I get you?" The lady asked with a bright smile

"Hey, uh, Can I just get a barbecue meal, but... without the barbecue please?" He asked with an awkward smile. He could hear the girl behind snicker and whisper something. The lady serving him gave him a strange look.

"Oh? Are you on a diet? You look so in shape." She said, Barry gave an awkward chuckle.

"N-No, nothing like that, I-I just... don't have the money for anything like that right now." He explained as the lady just smiled and begun to start preparing his meal.

The girl and her friends behind snickered a little more, as the lunch lady presented his food, which he paid for and hurried along to his friends, anger slowly building up inside of him. He took a seat nearest the window.

"Someone looks upset, what's wrong? You get rejected?" Izaiah teased as everyone chuckled.

"No, I had a run-in with this complete bitch, then she was behind me and was laughing because I couldn't afford a proper meal." Barry complained, eating away at his lunch. The table grew quiet, everyone felt bothered by the interaction, they had always treated each other like family so when one was bothered, so were the others.

"Well, that's in the past and besides, the days almost over. Here take some of my lunch." Kawan offered plopping some meat onto Barry's tray.

"He's right, besides, we're still new to this school. I'm sure if she knew what you were going through. She wouldn't have done it. You can have some of mine too." Izaiah added, adding more food to his tray.

"Besides, was she cute..?" Philly asked, giving a little more food to Barry's tray.

"I didn't get a clear look at her face. What does it matter? Do you really wanna go out with a bitch?" Barry answered eating more.

"Hey Patty, what are your thoughts?" Izaiah asked, Patty had an earbud in his ear and was more focused on eating.

"Hm? Some bitch pushed over our boy, I mean, she could be having a bad day. Speaking of which, there's a girl staring down our group over there." Patty pointed out, sure enough there was someone staring down the group, more specifically, Barry, who paid no attention. Philly nudged him.

"Oooh, what if she likes you and she just thought you were someone else.." Philly teased, almost making Barry choke.

"Yeah right, who in the hell does something like that in general?" Barry said shaking his head.
Everyone changed topics and continued to eat until lunch until the bell rang.

Barry walked with Patty to their next class, but as they left the cafeteria, they heard someone clear their throat.

"You! Broke boy!" A feminine voice called out, when the two of them turned, the same girl who Barry was talking stood there.

"Can I help you?" Barry asked

"yeah, I want to talk to you, and only you." She said pointing at Barry, he looked at Patty who just smiled.

"I'll see you in class dude." He said with a teasingly smile as they gave a quick handshake and he walked off.

The girl motioned for him to follow so he followed, the angry feeling coming back as he walked with her.

"So what do you want? To snicker in my face because I bought such a shit lunch? You don't think I heard you sni--" 

"I'm sorry for bumping into you, and snapping. I mean I meant what I said about watching where you were going. But maybe yelling at you wasn't the best choice. Besides, your kinda cute.." Her voice trailed off at her last words.

Barry didn't know if he should feel angry or flattered. He sighed

"Fine, it's whatever." He said and went to turn away but the girl practically jumped next to him.

"Are you just gonna ignore my last comment!" She said a little annoyed.

"Could barely hear you besides, I don't even know you and you don't even know me." Barry answered, she frowned.

"I guess your right. I'm Nino." She introduced

"Barry. It's good to meet you." Barry introduced as well as he started to walk to his next class

"H-Hey, we should hang out sometime." Nino said trying to catch up to him

"Maybe, I'm busy though." Barry replied and walked past her, part of him still angry at her. He was sure she was just joking about him being cute, she had to be. There was no way.
He sighed and continued walking until he reached the door of his class; when he looked back, Nino looked upset as she turned and walked the opposite way.

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