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✧˚ · .𝙅𝙖𝙯𝙞𝙚𝙡'𝙨 𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮...

You were at your cousin aiko's helping her out with Jaziel's 'suprise' birthday party, she asked you to blow up the balloons and you agreed worst mistake now you were sitting in the middle room, with balloons surrounding you and more left to go, you heard laughter behind you so you turned around only to see Jayden laughing, you flipped him off and turned back around.

After almost passing out five times, you finally finally finished and heard a call of your name downstairs so you went down there, you looked around the living room and saw no one so you shrugged it off about to go back upstairs only to here your name again you turned around again and saw aiko motioning you to come in the kitchen.

You went inside the kitchen and aiko handed you party banners and alot of party decorations you looked at her with a 'wtf' look at she smiled pointing outside, you groaned and went back upstairs for the balloons and stuffed them in the garbage back she gave you and went back downstairs then walked off to the backyard.

You saw Jayden putting up decorations and he looked over at you.

"Finally some company." He grinned

"Don't start running yo mouth with yo unfunny ass jokes" you rolled your eyes and grabbed a chair climbing up on it and helped him put up the decorations.

After a while aiko called you both to carry out a table after you both carry out the foods she started cooking hours before you arrived.

Now you were and jayden were laying on the grass tired and thirsty suddenly you both heard the back yard gate open and you looked over only to see Jaziel's father walking in with somebody behind him, a look of confusion abrupt on Jayden's face but you paid no mind only to see aiko running out and jumping on him giving him a kiss, you mentally gagged at the sight and turned away.

4 : 56 pm

You went next door and picked up your cousins telling your mom bye on the way and went back over to aiko's house which was fully set up now, not even a sec since you left your cousins now they were stuffing their jackets with sweet and you groaned knowing you were gonna get scolded for not watching them, you left them anyway the second aiko called out to you .

You walked over towards her and she pointed at plates you were supposed to give out, you gave her and awkward smile and point at the bouncey castle (what ya'll call it I be calling it bounce a bounce 💀) with all the little kids plus Jayden inside, she nodded and you walked over to where the TV was and sat down watching it.

Not even a little while after you hear someone panting beside you looked over with a disgusted face watching your cousin very sweaty, you shrieked away and she rolled her eyes and sat down.

Aiko called everyone over for food this time and everyone grabbed a plate and went back to watching cartoons, jaziel came over and jumped on in your lap and hugged you, you smiled at that and hugged him back then aiko gave out drinks and yours was stolen by jaziel, you groaned and went back to watching the TV.

Aiko asked you to take pictures and videos and did just that then she called you over because they were gonna cut the cake, you and everyone else sang him a happy birthday and he cut the cake grinning, aiko gave out the cakes and you gad to leave to go over to your house so you can put the cake your grandma was supposed to get and also grabbed your phone sending a quick message to everyone asking if the can send a happy birthday to jaziel.

You went back over and let jaziel listen to the voice messages and he smiled at them and replied back with a thank you.

You, Jayden, Jaziel and Janelle were now on you way over to Sam's, taking pictures and videos you noticed a sudden silence from Jayden knowing he never shuts up you look over at him concerned only to see him frozen.

"Jay you okay?" You asked and jaziel heads turn to look at him

"Yeah, you good bro?" Jaziel asked

"What the actual fuck is that.." Jayden said shakily point at figure what seems to have really long legs, your eyes widen and scurried away quickly to Sam's house and quickly gave her the ice-cream and cake for her and her soon and ran home with jayden running behind you.

"Ion know what the fuck that was ima mind my business" you said and grabbed your ice-cream you left.

"Ion know what the fuck that was ima mind my business" you said and grabbed your ice-cream you left

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This is supposed to take place on the 30th 🗿

This chapter was lowkey shit.

1 / 20 / 22 - 1 / 22 / 22 😐👎🏽

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