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𝙎𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙙𝙖𝙮 ¿


After the ball mikasa and i decided it would be fun to run in the rain because why not? well as we run and dance in the rain it got quite heavy until we are drenched in water even though it was a bad idea , we would deal with the consequences later but right now we didn't care as much.

After awhile we run back to her car and drive home immediately getting out of the soaked clothes and jumping in the shower.

Mikasa grabbed me by my neck bringing her face to mine passionately kissing around my face , her lips made contact with mine making out with me , she pulled away starting to nibble on my neck leaving round dark spots on my neck she slowly brought her hands down my back gripping my ass tightly leaving a harsh slap removing her hand right after , she moved her self from my neck once again staring at me with lustful eyes.

She sat down and pulled me over "On your knees baby , i wanna cum all over that pretty face" she said giggling ,I lowered myself face to face with her beautiful dripping wet pussy. I ran my pointer finger down her slit slowly then put her legs over my shoulders to bring my face closer to her inner thighs and licked at her clit going down to her entrance like a starving person , I smoothly slide my tounge into her entrance spelling my name out inside her. She pulled onto my hair screaming out in pleasure, the grasp she has on my hair begins to hurt I ignore it and continue, her legs began shaking violently on my shoulders but she grabbed on my hair tighter to cope while moaning .

"Y-y/n more please... f-fuck!" She scream out closing her eyes tightly throwing her head back panting like dog who ran a mile , I brought my hand to her clit rubbing it in a circular motion and she bucked her hips up tightening her muscular thighs around my neck tightly making me feel like I was being suffocated. "F-fuck yes! Eat my pussy just like that baby mm~" she moaned bucking her hips in my face , I brought my other hand patting her on her thigh so she can losing up a bit before I passed out.

She listened but didn't stop pulling on my hair , soon enough she was close and she cried out hitting and pushing my head away from her but I didn't budge , moving my hand away from her clit i slapped away her hand away as I sucked on her sensitive ball of nerves shaking my head side to side and darted my tounge back into her looking up at her while she was crying screaming moaning and shaking from the pleasure "Ima cum Ima cum! Baby I'm gonna fucking cum!" she cried her eyes rolling to the back of her head until only the white part was visible, I moved my hand that was at her thigh and started thrusting my middle and pointer finger at once in her entrance knowing it drives her crazy and was more than what she can handle , "cum for me pretty girl you deserve it" I said as I moved away from her throbbing cunt and went right back .

She immediately release in my mouth bucking her hips then going limp while letting out the wildest moan I've ever heard. I swallowed her sweet load then opening my mouth to show her as she looked down smiling pleased and satisfied but tired , she tried getting up with her wobbly legs but fell back down like a baby deer making me almost laugh out therfore I had to help her finish the shower and we got out and walked to our closet putting on our Pj's after drying off properly , I felt my self blacking out on my bed not knowing where Mikasa went .

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I woke up feeling the most eye watering throbbing head ache in my life my head was pounding but I got up anyway i walked to my bathroom and i looked in the mirror my nose was stuffy my eyes were swollen and suddenly my throat felt sore I tried rolling my eyes knowing this was the consequences of my actions but as I said my eyes were swollen so I couldn't , I just walked out of the bathroom and looked around the room confused on where Mikasa is but then I heard the most loud , ear deafing , eye watering snores and I followed the noise to see mikasa passed out on the couch on her back snoring louder than an untamed bitch which is common when she's sick .

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