Chapter 5

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I open my eyes and see that I am still in the square in front of the store. Immediately a shooting pain shoots through my head and my hands shoot upward. I grab my head and close my eyes. Tears begin to accumulate behind my eyes, then already some tears roll silently down my cheeks. "What a coward I am too! I always break everything and never do anything good!" says a little voice in my head. I sigh and hear someone talking to me. It doesn't come to me and I turn my head in the direction from which the voice came. Lando is speaking to me!

'Are you doing better than just now?" asks Lando to me.

'A little bit,' I say and look at Lando.

I see the police officers standing next to him and I swallow hard. "Soon I'll have to go to jail for assaulting someone!" shoots through my head. The officers stand talking to Max and then look at me.

"You okay, lady?" the male cop asks. I nod, but still with my hands pressed to my head.

'Do you have a headache?" the same male cop asks me.

'Yes,' I answer his question.

'Relax, it helps,' Max advises me. I try to relax a little, but it's difficult.

'May we ask you some questions?' the female agent asks me.

'Yes you may,' I say.

'Did you have a good relationship with June?' the lady asks the first question.

'It was okay. We were friends,' I answer her question.

'And was there anything with her, as far as you know?' the gentleman asks.

'She's in love. 'That's all I know,' I answer his question. They put some notes in a booklet and then thank me. Before they walk away they wish us a nice day and walk back to Djayden and Ferry.

'How did you get here?" asks Charles to me.

'By car. Why?" I ask and look at him curiously. The headache is abruptly almost gone.

'You can drive behind us, along to our hotel that we're currently staying over,' Charles explains.

'I think I'll go back to my own house,' I admit honestly to Charles.

'Then can I come with you?" asks Lando to me.

'Euh... Yes! That's good,' I say surprised.

'Come on, let's go to your house now,' Lando says overjoyed and puts an arm around me.

'Bye guys. I'll be back to the hotel tonight! Which way, Roxanne?'

'Just follow me,' I say and he grabs my hand, then I walk ahead and lead him to my car.

We walk across the parking lot and I see that Max is walking behind us. Then I almost run into my car and it startles me. I look up and then suddenly see Max looking at me angrily. Whoops! It was Max's car that my car door flew into.

'Seriously? Did you do this on purpose?" asks Max, in a still calm voice.

'By accident, Max. The wind blew the door out of my hand,' I tell him with a guilty feeling, which you can also hear in my voice.

'It's all right,' says Max hearing the guilt in my voice. He opens his car door and then gets in.

I grab my car key and unlock my car. Then I carefully open the car door and drop into the seat. Lando who realized that the car is open also gets in and drops onto the seat just like me. I pull the door closed and so does Lando, after which I sit up straight. Lando follows my example and we put on our seat belts at the same time. I hear Lando chuckle and look up in surprise.

'Why are you smiling,' I ask him in surprise.

'Nothing. Never mind,' Lando smiles and I look at him quizzically for a moment.

Then I shrug and start the engine. I push the clutch hard and put the switch in reverse. Lightly I lift my left foot, causing the car to start rolling backwards. Max is also driving in reverse and I carefully steer in that I don't accidentally hit Max. It's difficult, but after sticking it in and out three times, I've managed it. On my way home, together with Lando!

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