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A/N: Hey guys, so this is a super super short filler. I was going to add the filler in the same chapter as the climax, but i felt like I should just add this one in separately? Anyways, sorry for the long wait! I was on vacation, and I also had school so it's been a while! I will try to get the next chapter (climax-finally!) up this weekend but no promises! Also sorry i keep using pride and prejudice gifs i'm not saying that keira knightly is how i imagine Isabelle, i just really like her as an actress and her gifs just work really well***PLEASE READ BELOW!***

***PLEASE READ***:so I know that this chapter is going to make Isabelle sound like she's trying to justify murder, but please know that that is not how I intended this chapter to be! It was very tricky to write this chapter, because I had to try to analyze Erik's character without trying to sound like I was pro-murder? It's hard to explain, but I hope you understand! Just remember that this is not supposed to sound pro-murder, and that this is just fan fiction, so there will be mistakes! Thank you all for bearing with me!


I knew I had made a mistake, yet at the same time, I did not fully regret my actions. I knew that I should not have asked such a big question during such a beautifully simplistic moment, yet there I had gone, asking someone why they had murdered someone else.

If I were to ask a sane person for advice on this situation, they would have told me to not feel guilty for asking the question, as well as they would have told me to run away from the Opera House, and to never associate myself with the opera ghost ever again. But, I knew that that would be impossible for me. I knew that I should not feel guilty for a murderer, and I didn't. I felt guilty for Erik. No, he shouldn't have killed someone, and I don't think I would ever forget that he had, but I think that there was a part of him that just needed someone to not turn on him, and to listen to him. That's where I thought that I had failed. Yes, the question needed to be asked, but in that moment in the Prima Donna room, I knew that he felt that he could trust me. And I truly did trust him, and I still do, but I think I let him down in that moment where he finally seemed to be completely opened up to me. I just hoped that I didn't have to start our relationship from scratch again. I also hoped that I would actually get to see him again.

A/N: Again, sorry for the shortness of this chapter! And sorry for the long wait, and then only getting a short chapter! I promise I will try to get some more writing time in this weekend, but i also have a lot of writing assignments for school to get working on, so no guarantees! Please leave reviews about this chapter (or this story in general, or perhaps the future of this story)! i seriously love you all so much, and you don't know how much your support means to me! i just noticed that this story is almost at 4,000 views! I honestly did not expect this story to reach over 40, and I am seriously so proud of this story, and so thankful for all of you! I hope you're all enjoying Mirrors, and I hope to see you/hear from you/ sense your presence (yes i made a bad pun from my own story) soon!

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