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A/N: Hello! So, here's the next chapter! It takes place during the Masquerade so that means we get to see a little of Erik! Also, I wasn't too sure on how to write the singing bits in? I never really thought about that because I didn't plan on having many singing parts between Erik and Isabelle, so I kind of forgot about the singing parts that are actually canon and are in POTO. Please tell me whether or not you liked how i wrote the singing parts in! They're just italicised and i never really specifically said that the lines were being sung, so you can decide on whether or not you want to read it in your head or sing it in your head:) Also, i kind of mixed the masquerade scenes from the 2004 movie and the stage production (just FYI). Anyways enjoy!

(I don't own the phantom of the opera)

I don't think I had ever been as thrilled and as joyous as I had been that one night. It was during that one night that everything changed, though it seemed as if it was the way things should have been the entire time. It was simply right. Of course, that morning and afternoon hadn't been as enjoyable.

It was the day of the masquerade ball. Everyone was absolutely filled to the brim with excitement and anticipation. While young ladies added layers upon layers to their elaborate dresses, and gentlemen prepared their over-priced suits for the night's events, I was stuck in the opera house, wiping down marble floors that the managers kept walking across. Unfortunately, while people were making preparations for their gowns for attending the annual masquerade, I was making preparations for the floor for the annual masquerade. When the ball commenced, I was one of the lucky maids who got to mop the polished marble when some older gentleman let his champagne glass slip through his gloved fingers.

The ball was being put together beautifully, though. Professional interior decorators were hired to lace the opera house with flowers, candles, and any other decorations, and high-class chefs were brought in to prepare outstanding appetizers and delicate horderves.

The rest of the day passed by all too slowly until, finally, the moment everyone had been waiting for had arrived. Couples upon couples of wealthy aristocrats and high-class nobles flooded in through the main entrance of the opera house. All of the previous and current prima donnas were there, each escorted by their own date. Even the young Christine Daee was there with the Vicompte De Changy. Although I wasn't a part of the prestigious crowd, I couldn't help but feel the excitement as well.

Right away, I took my place in the shadows, the dark providing me with a mask of my own. I quietly observed the couples singing and dancing gaily with one another. The whole crowd seemed to flow together as one despite the fact that each costume was intricately different than the next. Everyone was enjoying themselves, and I had to admit that I was quite entertained by watching the ensemble before me. And, I only ran into two of the guests that night, so I thought things were going well for myself.

To entertain myself, I tried to guess who was who behind the ridiculous masks while I stole a few sweets from the buffet table placed to the side of the grand hall. Eventually I began to doze off after a while despite the singing continuing around me. What jolted me from my lounged position on the wall was the sudden lack of music.

I looked around me to see what was going on. Everyone was turned facing someone at the top of the golden staircase. I dragged my mop behind me as I shuffled along the wall, trying to see past the marble pillar that was obstructing my view.

The man suddenly came into view, and my stomach dropped while my heartbeat quickened in an unsteady pace. Could it be? I had thought to myself. There, standing at the top of the staircase, was him. It was Erik. He was right there in front of me. This was better than the dark shadow that stood amongst the painted angels, because this was him standing right there. It was like everyone else in the room suddenly vanished, because no one else knew this feeling that I was experiencing. God knows what this feeling was, but it was there, and I was absolutely sure that I was the only one feeling it.

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