Everything Will Be Alright

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A/N: Woah I think this is the fastest I've ever gotten another chapter up... It might be because I wrote most of it intending for it to be a part of the last chapter... Anyways, here we go! There was a LOT of thought that went into writing this chapter. I'm still not sure about some parts, but I decided that if I didn't make a decision today, i wouldn't ever make a decision. So sorry about some things! also sorry if the writing is a wee bit off in this chapter because there's a lot of stuff that happens and it's not all just Isabelle's thoughts. it was kind of hard not to do her thoughts. i wanted to really badly in some places, but it would have just been too long for that scene (you'll probably see where i wanted to ramble).

***WARNING***** this chapter does have some mentions of blood in it. Although I may not think it's that bad, I don't want anyone who has problems with blood to have to read this. I'll put a quick recap at the bottom in the authors note for those of you who choose not to read it. it's really not a whole lot, but i just want to be safe3 (the blood starts showing up about halfway through?)

Thanks for reading guys! Don't forget to favourite, follow, and review!

Getting lost several times, I didn't find Erik's home until a good ten minutes later. I probably would have taken the wrong turn if I hadn't heard Erik's voice. This time though, I was not filled with passion, but with heartbreak.

I remained hidden behind a rock wall while I peaked at the scene before me. I did not allow myself to marvel at Erik's magnificent home, as the scene that was unfolding before me was too intense to ignore.

"Christine I love you." Erik managed just above a whisper. He sat, his knees folded underneath him, much like how I used to sit in front of the mirror in the now burning Prima Donna room. A figure of a monkey in robes holding cymbals sat in front of him, while Christine Daee stood close to his hunched figure. What surprised me was that she was wearing a wedding dress.

Christine choked out a sob as she fit a shining ring into Erik's palm. Without another word, she slowly walked back to a boat that was floating gracefully on the lake. In the boat, I noticed the Vicompte de Changy, waiting eagerly for Christine.

I looked at Erik sadly as he watched Christine get further and further away from him. I began to notice the pieces of fiery debris falling into the lake. We didn't have much time left. For all I knew, the entire underground could collapse on itself from the weight of the opera house collapsing on it.

I began running from my spot behind the rock wall, trying to get to Erik. He didn't seem to notice me yet, as he picked up a candelabrum from a nearby table.

"It's over now the music of the night!" He cried. His arm rose above his head like he was ready to smash the mirror that stood in front of him, but I caught his arm in time. He turned to me in surprise, his face hardening, ready to fight off whatever mob of people that may have been coming down, but once he recognized that it was me, his expressions melted to expose his true heartbreak. I looked up at him with worry and concern. The candelabrum dropped from his shaking hand, and clattered once it collided with the stone floor. I tried to support as much of his weight as possible as he collapsed to the floor. I knelt in front of him, his lanky frame leaning forwards into mine in some sort of a hug.

"Track down this murderer!" I could hear echo off of the walls of Erik's home. The voices were growing nearer, as the flaming debris continued to drop from the ceilings.

I wanted to stay there, and comfort him while he stayed in my arms, but I knew that we did not have much time left.

"Erik, we must leave, now!" I said, pushing him upright. I noticed that he still did not have his mask on. Time froze, and I knew it shouldn't have, as I should have been focusing on how to get us out. The mob would either get to us first, or the fire. Instead of deciding how to avoid either, I reached my hand out, and lightly held the right side of his face where his mask usually rested. He looked at me with such confusion, and shock, and... what was that other emotion? I decided to ignore it for the moment as I stood up and began tugging at his arm for him to stand up as well.

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