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    When I'm in water, every thing just drifts away. All my worries, all my heart aches, all my sadness, everything that hurts me disappears. I love swimming, when I was a baby, my mom told me, I used to cry, when it was time to get out the tub. I 100% believe her, because when swimming season is over I would cry my self to sleep for a month.

"VALA, VALA, VALA, VALA". I hear people screaming my name, with joy. I'm swimming, I'm winning, the race. I just won the swim Championship, in my school district. I hop out of the water and hug my mom and big brother, who praise me with love. My medal is being placed around my neck and a large trophy that the school will take, is being placed in my hands.

I'm happy, I won, but if I didn't win, I would've have met, my worse nightmare.

"Vala one of our best swimmers, this is Mr. Sparks". As the schools principal introduced the devil to me, he held out his hand for me to shake. I did, that's when he had me in his hold. His green eyes trapped me. Not letting me go. At the time, I liked it.

"Vala, how about we go to the skating rink, like the old times". My brother Mark, speaking made Mr. Sparks let my hand go, I could tell he didn't want to. "Yeah that sounds, great, just let me go change real quick". I gave my principal the trophy then walked to the changing room.

My whole swim team crowded me, I don't like being crowded. They were yelling my name, happily. My best friend Claire came and saved me, like always. Pulling me out the crowd, and giving me a big hug. "You did amazing out there, girl". "Thank you, Claire". She let me go, so I could change then walked away.

I walked out the changing room wondering where my mom, and brother went. I wasn't paying any attention, and bumped into him.


"Woah there little one, where are you off to?". I looked up at him, at his eyes, as he smiled down at me. "I'm so sorry Mr.Sparks, I'm just looking for my mom and brother". He looked at me like I did something wrong, which made me look down. All of a sudden, his strong hand lifted my chin to look at him. "Call me Julian, little one". He smirked and walked away. He had me feeling weird, in a good way.


All these girls are looking at my big brother, here at the skating rink. Boosting his already big ego. I don't mind girls crushing on him, but just don't do it when I'm around. Especially when it's girls from my school.

Mark is 1 year older then me, which means he graduated last year. He used to be the quarterback of our school. With him, our school would win all the games. Girls would run up to him left and right. Now that he's out of school, girls will run up to me, asking for his socials and number. What they don't know is he has a Fiancé and a baby on the way, well they do. They're just disrespectful sluts, excuse my language.

"You don't look like you're having fun". "I'm not, all these thirsty, girls are looking at you". Mark looks at me with a, really face. "I would never in a million years, cheat on Eva". I stop skating and pull him to our table where our mom is trying to figure out Snapchat. "I know but don't you think it's kinda disrespectful". "I do, but what can I do about it, I'm sexy". He takes a sip of his soda and rolls away. I hate him sometimes.

"Oh great, Vala can you help me, with this filter nonsense".  I show my mom how to work Snapchat for the millionth time, then roll away to my brother.


  That girl, Vala, is her name, so beautiful. I need her, I want her, I don't care if she's 17. I wanna take all of her innocence. Then what do I wanna do with her.

"Mr.Sparks, so let's talk about the money you're giving to the school". One of my regular clients, Roger, wants me to give my money to his trashy school. I almost laugh at how pathetic he looks. He hasn't payed me back from the last time I loan him money.

"You know why I'm here, Roger, so I wanna see my money Thursday morning, you know what happens to people who don't pay me back, oh and thanks for the tour". I don't have time for this mans crap. I know he doesn't have my money, but it'll be fun torturing him.

I walk out to the pool, because I parked my car close to it. She bumps into me, I can tell she's scared, so I smile down at her.

"Woah there little one, where are you off to?". "I'm so sorry, Mr Sparks, I'm just looking for my mom and brother". I don't want her sweet voice saying Mr. Sparks. She looks down like she's embarrassed.I lift her head up by her chin to look at me."Call me Julian, little one". I smirked and walked to my car. In my car mirror, I see her hurry to, I'm assuming her moms car.



I can't believe my main man, would just sleep with my bitch. I walked in on them in MY bed. Are they both idiots, I guess so. I kill them both then get my maids to clean it up. My other men get rid of the bodies.

I'm so glad I found, Vala. She'll be my new bitch. I can't wait to hear her soft voice, beg for me.

I sit at my desk thinking about this 17 year old, Shit, Julian get your shit together. She's a child, a very sexy teen

Yeah I want her, and I always get what I want


A/n~ this is the first chapter of my rewrite
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Question: What are your thoughts about Vala?What are your thoughts about Julian?

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