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                            *•Vala•*         Dior is the rich, pretty popular, girl in school

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    Dior is the rich, pretty popular, girl in school. She has everything, her dad owns half of the town, then more.

   She had a thing with my brother when they were in middle school, then Eva showed up. He dumped her like it was nothing. Dior then came to me, we became pretty good friends.

At first it was mess with my brother, then she realized he wasn't bothered. She gave up on him.


Dior always get me into clubs, since her dad is so rich, every one just lets her get her way. I wish Claire could come, but in her words "I rather smoke pot, then go to some stuck up fancy club". Then clubs don't even be that bad. All me and Dior do is Dance and sneak 2 or 3 drinks. Then go home.

Tonight was different though

Julian Sparks was here

It's been a week since I first met him. The whole time I couldn't get him out of my head. I was imagining things, naughty things.


    I was sitting in the VIP, booth just watching. That's when I seen her, Vala. She looked different, older, sexier. Her dress showed her prefect thigh, if the cut was more up, it would show her perky ass.  I watched as her and her friend walked to the bar.

She's 17, she shouldn't be drinking. The bar tender just gave her some fruity drink. From her face, after she took a sip, it was for sure alcohol in it. I wanted to jump up and snatch it from her, but I had to keep it cool, I didn't want to start a scene. She disappeared on to the dance floor.

  After 30 minutes, I saw her again, this time she was dancing on some random dude. My blood was starting to boil, he had his disgusting hands all over her. I jumped up, and walked over to them, pushing him out the way.

Her big blue eyes looked up at me, and my cold green ones, looked down at her. I could tell I made her whole mood change, I didn't care, I don't anyone touching, what's mine. I leaned down to her level, and whispered in her ear.

"I don't like you dancing with random dudes, when you should be dancing with me". With that her body got chills, I turned her around and wrapped my arm around her waist and softly kissed her neck. To my surprise she started moving her hips back and forth on me. I Wanna Be Your by Arctic Monkey, started playing.

  I was in a trance, with her body. I didn't notice her friend walking up, she grabbed her arm pulling her away. I was so fucking pissed, they just walked away giggling. That fucking bitch, she took what was mine.

   Stumbling in the house, I hear Mark and Eva arguing, this is the third time, this week. "Mark this is the 4th time you came in late, how do you think that make me feel, when my fucking Fiancé is out all night, you didn't call me, you didn't even send a text". "Eva are you even hearing yourself, I'm a grown ass man, I don't have to check in with you about everything I do".

  She starts crying, he rushes to comfort her. I do not want a relationship like that. My dad was abusive towards my mom. One day my brother had enough, he beat my dads ass. The only reason him and Eva live here is because he wants to protect my mom, just in case my dad comes back.


I text Claire about what happened at the club and she immediately, FaceTimes me.
"VALA STAY AWAY FROM HIM". I giggle, "How am I supposed to stay away from him if he keeps popping up at places I be". She gives me her serious face, which makes me scared. "He is a pervert, Vala, you are 17, that's not right". I roll my eyes playfully. "I'm turning 18 in 3 months, good night Claire".

I hang up and think about what she said. She's completely right, but who knows I might never see him again.

Oh I was so wrong

A/n- Hey guys, that's all I got, Vote and Comment for the next chapter 😅

Questions: Do y'all suspect anything about Mark?
Is Claire a good friend, for telling Vala to stay away from Julian?

Questions: Do y'all suspect anything about Mark? Is Claire a good friend, for telling Vala to stay away from Julian?

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