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                          *•Vala•*  I was woken up by my mom, she was crying

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I was woken up by my mom, she was crying. I sit up rubbing my eyes, trying to figure out what was going on. At first I thought someone died that was close to her. Oh I was wrong

"Vala, can you please run to the grocery store, and get all our favorite snacks?". I finally woke fully up, and took a good look at my mom. "What's wrong, or what happened?". I look her in the eyes, she starts breaking down, more.

"My online boyfriend, ended things, he said he wanted to fix things with his wife". I just got up, started putting on my clothes, then left the house.

I never in a million years, I would never think, my mom would talk to a married man. Now I wanna find my mom, a single man, but right now, I need to get these comfort snacks.

As I was walking down the ice cream isle, I made eye contact with, the one and only Julian. He smirks, and starts walking towards me. I act like I didn't see him, and open the refrigerator and grab the ice cream. When I close the refrigerator, he grabs my arm.

"You trying to act like you don't see me?". I freeze because his grip on my arm is getting tighter. He looks down at me with his dark green eyes, I look up at him. "Give me your phone". I don't know why, but I immediately get my phone out my purse and hands it to him, with no hesitation. "Good girl, now let me pay for you, and no isn't an option". He typed something in my phone then gave it back.

"Umm Th-ank you, sir". Before I could walk away, he grabbed my arm again, in the same spot. I winced a little bit, he turned me towards him. "Didn't I tell you to call me Julian, or do I need to come up with another name". His voice didn't sound mad, it sounded strong and dominant. His voice made me want to get on my knees, and do unspeakable things.

"When I call, you better answer on the first ring, you better answer my text, as soon as they pop up". He lets my arm go then walks away.

Doir pulled me out of my bed, just to talk. I'm so pissed with her, I smoked about ten blunts last night, and ate everything in my kitchen, now I want sleep. But, she's kinda looking fine today.

"I wanna talk to you". I just look at her yawning and and rubbing my eyes. "I think I have feelings for you, I've been trying to hang out with you since, freshman year, you are~".

I cut her off by kissing her lips. I could tell she was confused, but I just deepen the kiss. She ended up kissing me back, I slowly laid her on her back and got on top of her.

"You're now my girlfriend". Before she could answer. I started attacking her neck with hickeys.
It seems like as soon as I got home, he started texting. Of course I didn't answer, I had to comfort my mom, who was still bawling her eyes out.

"How about we, get a movie on and eat all of our snacks, and cuddle". My mom answered wife a shaky ok. I felt bad for her, at the same time, I'm glad he cut it off.
  My mom got up and went to the bathroom, so I paused the tv. I checked my phone, there were so many missed calls and text from Julian. He was saying all kinds of things, it kinda scared me. Until I read the word, punishment

He wanted to punish me, for not answering. I started getting turned on, I wanted to touch my self but my mom was right in the bathroom. She walked out the bathroom fully dressed, she looked like she wasn't even crying a few minutes ago.

"I'm going into work, I'm sorry Vala". She didn't even say bye, or let me say bye. My mom just ditched me. I just got up and went and took a hot shower.

I decided to FaceTime, Julian. Yes I still had my towel on and no clothes. He answered on the first ring. He looked so pissed. But I was to busy looking at his abs and all of his tattoos , he had his shirt off.

"Why didn't you answer any of my calls or text". He had a strong deep voice which gave me chills down my body. "I- I was taking care of my mom".

"To make it up to me, take off the towel let me see that beautiful body". I was  caught off guard by his sexy voice, he's voice completely changed. I did as he told me I dropped the towel.

"I want you to set the phone up and touch yourself". I never touched my self before, but I've watched porn videos with Claire. So I did what the porn stars do. It was weird, I wasn't feeling anything. I could tell that he could tell I wasn't enjoying it.

He just hung up the phone

I felt so embarrassed, I almost started crying when he texted me. I quickly grabbed my phone and checked.

Julian ❤️: What's your address, little one?


A/n- Vote and comment, for the next part 😁

Questions: Do you think Dior and Claire, going to stay together?
What do you think Julian's up too?

Questions: Do you think Dior and Claire, going to stay together? What do you think Julian's up too? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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