Chapter 1

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Quackity sighed. He had been flying back to Las Nevadas and it had started to rain, heavily. He was now on his office, trying to dry his dripping wings off with a towel. They hurt. He knew he should have stopped, should have seeked shelter from the rain. But he didn't. And now his already small and weak wings were sodden and too heavy to use, plus they stung.
"Quackity from Las Nevadas? Wilbur Soot is here to see you!!" he looked up quickly as Slime called through the large door. "Send him in." to be honest, Wilbur was probably the best person for Quackity to see at that moment, even if he hated his guts. Wilbur also had wings, even though his were torn and charred as a result of limbo. The door creaked open. The tall brunette walked in, his coat drenched from the lashing rain, and looking very disgruntled. "Evening, Big Q." he mumbled as he walked over to where the raven was sitting. "What do you want Wilbur - here, hold this" Quackity passed him the towel as he went go grab bandages from his first aid kit.
"Uh- Q, what are you doing? Why are you wrapping your wings in bandages?" Wilbur enquired, looking puzzled. Quackity glanced up at him and blushed. He was embarrassed that his rival was watching him bind up his wing. He felt vulnerable. "they got wet." was all he replied. And Wilbur snickered, and then laughed. Quackity just looked at him. "W-What?? You're bandaging a WET wing??" he chuckled again. Quackity immediately became defensive, and started stuttering out meaningless attempts to justify himself. "WELL WHAT'RE YOU MEANT TO DO?" The raven yelled at the revived man, who just smirked and shook his head. "Did no one tell you about water-proof paste? It was made to stop wings from becoming clogged with water." staring at him, Quackity blinked twice. "THERE'S WATERPROOF PASTE???" he hopped up from his chair and ran over to Wilbur, who grabbed him and nodded,he then pulled out a dish from his trench coat. "Sit down, I'll teach you how to apply it, though I might not be the best as my wings gave been too destroyed to use" he guided Quackity to the leather couch, and layed him down on him front. Wilbur then took a glob of the paste on his finger when Quackity interrupted "Excuse me? How do I know this won't do damage?? we're enemies." he moved to get up, and Wilbur pushed him back down. "Don't worry, I wouldn't damage anyone's wings. I've had people do that to me and it hurt like hell. I won't put you through that" Quackity cast a doubtful glance at Wilbur before complying and resting his chin on his arms. Wilbur carefully rubbed his fingers together before threading them through the feathers. The golden wing twitched slightly at the touch. Quackity wasnt used to his wings being touched so lightly. Last time someone had been touching his wings it was Shlatt, who had, of course pulled and bent them as punishment for something Quackity had done. Wilbur was the opposite, he was going slow and steady, making sure he didn't pull any of the feathers. The ravenette felt himself blush. There was something he found hot in Wilbur, whether it was his accent, or his stupid smirk, Quackity didn't know. But he liked it. And if he was being honest, he wanted it. So, so badly.
"Okay, thats the first wing done, everything okay so far?" the other mans British accent woke Quackity from his reverie. "O-Oh, yeah thanks! I almost fell asleep.." replied Quackity, immediately wishing he hadn't said that as he heard a unsatisfied hum from beside him. Wilbur stood up and got a pillow. He then slid it under Quackitys head and removed the black leather shoes from his feet. Quackity watched in awe of how quick Wilbur was undoing his tie and taking off his belt. Making him as comfortable as he could be.
"There. Now sleep. I'll continue and clean the office when I'm done." Wilbur rolled up his sleeves and opened the dish again, and Quackity smiled and closed his eyes for a much needed rest.

Quackity woke up to the sound of a drawer closing. "Huhh? What's going on? Wilbur?" he blinked at the sudden light, the brunette jumped and turned around. The office was stunning. Wilbur had cleaned every inch of it while Quackity slept, and it looked like he had cleaned the bathroom aswell. "Ah, you're awake! I hope you don't mind that I organised some of your things. Everything is in order of date." he walked over and picked up a fresh change of clothes he had on the coffee table. "here, I'll wash your other clothes, change into these" Quackity took them and laughed. "Woah.. You really wanna play housewife don't you?" he smirked and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.
He emerged five minutes later in his new outfit, a basic white shirt and black and white checkered pants, with black suspenders. He had his dice necklace on next to the rings of his ex-fiancé's. He looked hot. And Wilbur had to look away so the shorter wouldn't see him turning red, But he was unsuccessful. "Ooh~ is someone flustered~?" he teased, walking right up to the larger male, and grabbing his jaw. Wilbur started stuttering and protesting, so Quackity laughed and pushing him away. "Alright. Chill. Cmere, let's have a smoke." he let Wilbur out onto the balcony. The rain had stopped ages ago, and now the sun was brightly shining behinf one or two clouds. A beautiful day to flirt with your rival, Quackity thought. But, he would leave that for another day. This was a one time occasion, Wilbur would have to do this alot more to get him to flirt or kiss him. He just hoped Wilbur felt the same way, or his feelings would be wasted again. Glancing at Wilbur, he noticed a look of contentment. He enjoyed caring for someone or the first time in over fifteen years. He wished to be rewarded, but he knew that would be pushing it.
"Aye. Is this a one off that we never mention or..?" Wilbur froze. He wasn't expecting Quackity to say that, he was expecting to be told that he still wasn't welcome and to leave. "oh.. I mean, I'd like it to become a thing, but whatever you want I guess." Quackity scoffed and placed his hand on Wilburs back. "Come back tomorrow, I could use a helping hand around here. And don't worry, I'll pay you. Just maybe not in money." and with that, he turned on his heel and went inside. Leaving Wilbur too stunned to speak, longing for more of Quackitys touch. He'd be back tomorrow for sure.

When Wings Get Too Heavy For A Little DuckWhere stories live. Discover now