Chapter 2

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Wilbur was talking to Niki. He did that a lot nowadays, as she and Eret had the best sense of fashion on the server, and he and Eret hadn't spoken since he was revived.
Wilbur was now a semi-member of Las Nevadas. He wasn't officially a member, but he was allowed go there everyday. He and Quackity had become good friends, though Wilbur was checked daily for tnt or anything to do with it. Just on the off chance that Will had any intentions of Las Nevadas meeting the same fate as L'manberg.
"hmm. I think you should wear this" Niki picked out a black shirt and placed it on Wilburs bed next to a black pair of dress pants and a brown belt. Quackity had invited Wilbur on a little "wine date" and told him to dress up. He was quite frankly, terrified. Niki shoved him into the bathroom and sat on his bed, observing the room for the tenth time. It was plain enough, unsurprising as Wilbur had lost everything when he died. He did have a wrecked l'manberg flag that he'd gotten off of Tommy, and a beaten old guitar that Fundy had saved from Pogtopia. That was about it. She planned to coax him into growing some plants to make the room more inviting. Cornflowers would look nice. "Niki.. How does it look?" she turned her head to look at the brunette. Who shifted uncomfortably and looked at her hopefully. She smiled and said "it actually looks great! Perfect for a wine date!" Will grinned. Not the most pleasent sight, his smile was quite crazed and a bit cocky. She was trying to help him with that.
When Niki left with a wave if her hand and a cheery smile, mounting her horse that she borrowed from Techno, Wilbur almost bounced out the door of his small hut. He knew that if he ran he would be sweaty and messed up when he finally got to Quackity, so he set his pace as a brisk walk. Ten minutes later, he arrived at Las Nevadas. He stumbled in, not too used to the new black ankle boots that Niki had forced him to wear instead of his usual knee-length ones.
Wilbur kept fidgeting all the way up to Quackitys office. What if he had been mistaken? What if it was a trap? What if this wasn't fancy enough? What if Quackity laughed at him for dressing TOO fancy? The possibilities were endless, but Will knew that they were just worries. Quackity wanted to go on a 'wine date' or something and Wilbur was dressed well enough thanks to Niki. It was going to be fine. Wilbur knocked nervously on the large door to Quackitys office. The shorter man opened it, looking dapper in his usual white shirt with black dress pants and suspenders. Will noticed that he didn't have his ex fiancé's rings on. Could that mean...? Quackity always said that he would only ever take them off when he found a new lover and they were never coming back.. Wilbur shook off this thought and stepped inside the office. He immediately felt hands upon him, dragging him to the couch. "what drink can I get you?" The ravenette smirked down at Wilbur, who was already flustered and sitting with his legs apart on the couch, he hadn't moved from where he'd been thrown. "I- uhm- a-anything you're having..." Will stammered. Looking down as to not meet eyes with the man that he had dreamed of for weeks. "Ey. Look at me when you speak to me or I speak to you." Quackity pulled Wilburs chin up. Oh god. His figure from this angle was stunning, his golden wings out-spread behind him made him look like an angel. Or a god. Wilbur gulped and nodded before repeating what he said, Quackitys hand still tightly around his jaw. The smaller man smirked and walked over to the minibar he had in his office to grab some drinks. This area was completely different to the rest of the office. It had pink and blue lights, giving it a real club vibe. And the amount of alcohol that was there was quite concerning. Quackity grabbed two wine glasses and filled them up  with something that looked expensive. Of course. Nothing in this room was cheap, cheap didn't suit Quackity. "Here. Drink this." he handed Wilbur one of the glasses and Wilbur took a reluctant sip. It tasted good. Wilbur didn't usually enjoy alcohol, but this was the exception. Quackity sat down beside Wilbur. Much too close for comfort in Wills eyes, but perfect in Big Q's. He planned to flirt with Wilbur throughout the night, to test how loyal he really was. Besides, he felt love-starved since Sapnap and Karl left him. Wilbur cared more then they ever did anyways he was ultimately better. Quackity took a sip of his own drink and looked up at Wilbur, who was beginning to sweat with nerves. 'heh. Cute.' Quackity thought to himself. Seeing the once High and Mighty Wilbur Soot squirm in his seat was entertaining. This man was perfect.
The next few hours passed like a blur. Quackity challenged Wilbur to a game of cards, and the loser had to do what the other said for the rest of the night. He had planned this, of course. He rigged the game so that he won. A typical day of casino tricks. Wilburs face turned to utter devastation as he realised his fate. I mean, its not like Wilbur didn't do everything Quackity said anyway, but he'd usually have the ability to say no. Here, he didn't. And that scared him.
"Alright... What shall I do with this newfound power of mine?" Quackity smirked at the look of nervous anticipation on the others face. Quackity knew what he wanted to do. This is why he'd invited Wilbur, why he'd rigged the game. Why he'd gotten Wilbur slightly drunk. He shuffled closer to the brunette, making him blush. "hmm. I recall you being a pretty good kisser, let's see if you've lost that, shall we?" and before Wilbur could reply, Quackity leaned in and pressed his lips against Wilburs. He shifted onto Wilbur lap, controlling the kiss as he pleased. Wilbur, who hadn't kissed is over thirteen years, was not used to this sort of thing, but he was enjoying it. Months of serving his crush like a butler had come round to this. Finally, a taste of the happiness he had felt in pogtopia, when he and Quackity had some 'fun' during Nikis birthday party. Quackity broke away. "Wow.. You're still a good kisser, but you feel so different whdn your not in control" Quackity laughed, making Wilbur go even redder. Tonight was going to be long.

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