Chapter 4

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A. N : Oh wow this is getting fruityier then I anticipated. Oops.
BTW, there won't be any smut in this. On the off chance my mother somehow finds it and reads it. Sorry if the recent idea of Wilbur being Quackitys slave upset you. Feel free to leave critics on the story!!

This was the second proper relationship that Wilbur had been in. And it was the best one. His lover cared for him, while still being dominant and in control, and made sure to ask before trying or doing anything new. Wilbur enjoyed cleaning up the office or bedroom and making dinner. He had always enjoyed those tasks, but Sally never let him do them. And after being revived, Phil wasn't letting Wilbur anywhere near fire or knives. Quackity let him do as much as he wanted, he also saw it as a win because Wilbur would give him constant wing massages, which were very much needed after Shlatt had damaged them. They now couldn't be left unattended to for more than a few hours. The massages felt like heaven, especially when it was Wilburs quick hands doing it.
The other members of Las Nevadas were less pleased though. Purpled was grossed out by all the lovey-doveyness, Slime was just confused on why he couldn't enter the office whenever he wanted and why he didn't need to wake Quackity up anymore, Sam was just annoyed about Quackity getting in with a 'criminal', Fundy was very reasonable, as his boss was sleeping with his dad. That traumatising. And Foolish was terrified of it for an unknown reason. They hadn't welcomed Will with open arms,but he didn't care. They were still all civil with him (though he believed that was Quackitys doing) and Fundy was happy to spend more time getting to know his dad a bit better. The only person that he truly hated was Sam. He couldn't do anything around him without getting suspicious stares. One day he was throwing out some rubbish when he caught Sam staring at him again. That's when it clicked. He was the boyfriend of the boss. He had more power than Sam. And do he walked over "Hey! Why do you keep looking at me?? I'm not placing tnt or redstone for gods sake!!" Sam was taken aback. He had not expected to be yelled at. Wilbur turned on his heel and marched away. Oh how badly Sam wanted to push him down from that high and mighty step he was on and bring him back down to reality. In other words, he wanted to throw him into the prison with Dream. He had suggested it to Quackity, and the man had slapped him and told him no. Oh well.
Wilbur was called to his lovers side. He was there in a heartbeat. "Hey Will... My wings have started aching really badly.. Can you help, please?" Quackity was on the floor in tears. His wings were outstretched, obviously Quackity had tried to ease the pain by stretching them. Wilbur rushed over and immediately looked at the wings.
"Phew.. They are just stiff, nothing worse. I can loosen them out. Then we should go for a fly" Quackity nodded. He just wanted the pain to go away. He felt the pressure of Wilburs fingers digging into the feathers, it hurt, but he knew that Wilbur knew what he was doing. He just sat and beared it. Soon the pain subsided, and he was left with the relaxation of the massage. God Wilbur was so good. He was so, so good. And all of a sudden he felt lips upon his neck, kissing gently along before reaching the side of Quackitys mouth. "I'm all done babe..." Wilbur whispered in Quackitys ear. He smirked. Turning around, he pinned Wilbur down onto the carpeted floor and shoved his knee between his legs. Wilbur let it happen. He knew when to stop and let Quackity take over. They had done this many times, still it was euphoric.
Quackity had a completely different touch to Sally. She had barely touched Wilbur, they never slept together after the night that Fundy was born. She started shoving him off, not letting him do housework so she could complain to her friends about how useless and lazy her husband was. The last straw for Wilbur was when she refused to call Fundy a boy. They had a huge arguement that night, one that Wilbur would regret for years. They went to bed angry, and when Wilbur woke up, he found himself a single father taking care of his seven year old son. And the rest was history.
But, snapping back to reality, Quackity was still on him, making light marks all over Wilburs neck. "Hah... Thought you could get away with treasing me like that, Soot?" he connected their lips, pulling Wilburs head up by his hair to meet them. Biting harshly down on Wilburs bottom lip, he signalled to Wilbur to open his mouth, which he did gratefully. Quackity was hit with the stingy taste of smoke again, he had tasted it so many times already but still felt the need for more. He pulled on Wilbur hair, drawing a small sound from the male. Quackity paused, and then pulled again. Wilbur made the same noise, but louder. His face went red from embarrassment. "What was that, huh?" Quackity smirked and held Wilburs head tight. "I- don't know..." he felt a hand connected with his face, and a loud slap echoed through the room. "Tell me, Soot. Or I'll kick you out" Wilbur nodded and explained. "I dunno, I've always had a thing for hair pulling and choking... I don't know why." Quackity barely held back a laugh. He finally had something to help him reign over Wilbur, something to control. Wilbur had a hair pulling and choking thing. Who would've thought. But anyway, he had something to finish.

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