4th year: Chapter 23 Barty Crouch Jr.

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A/N I know I didn't update for some weeks and I'm so sorry for that it's just that I've been focused in school a lot and I haven't had the time to write so again so sorry for that

Harry was going to Dumbledore's office because Dumbledore asked him but when Harry arrived he heard people talking

"A man just died here Fudge and he won't be the last. You must take action" Dumbledore said through the door

"I will not!" said the minster "In times like these, the wizarding world looks to its leaders for strength, Dumbledore"

"Then for onece show them some!" Dumbledore snapped

"The Triwizard Tournament will not be canceled. I will not be seen as a coward" said the minster. Harry got closer to the door

"A ture leader does what is right, no matter what others think" said Dumbledore

"What did you say to me!" said the minster going up to Dumbledore "Gentleman, it may interest to know this conversation is no longer in private" said Moody

The door open as soon as Harry was going to knock so he stood there awkwardly

"Oh Harry" said the minster with a smile on his face "Harry how good to see you again"

"I can come back later, professor" said Harry taking a step inside the office

"Not necessarily Harry, the minster and I are done. I'll be back in a moment" said Dumbledore putting his hand behind the minster back

"Minster after you"Dumbledore took a steep down to go to the door "There you are. your hat"

"Oh Harry do feel free to indulge in a little Licorice Snap in my absence but I do have to warn you, there a sharp" said Dumbledore picking one up and putting it back

Everyone who was in the office left and the door was closed. Harry went up to the Licorice bowl to grab a hand full of them and one of them bite him

He tried to get them off of him and stomp on them but they were to fast. Harry hit a wall opening a pensive

Harry walked up to it, seeing blue water with little parts of gold in it as soon Harry was falling down to land on a sit next to Dumbledore

"Professor"? Harry asked but Dumbledore didn't look at him "Professor"

A man said giving his hand making his hand go through Harry. Dumbledore shook it then the man was gone

"Igor karkaroff you been brought from Azkaban at your own request to present evidence to this council, should your testimony proof consequential, counsel may be prepared to order your immediate release until such time you remain in the eyes of the ministry convicted death eater do you accept theses terms"

Karkaroff took a second to speak "I do sir" "And what do you wish to represent" said Barty really quickly

"I have names sir, there was a Rosier, Evan Rosier" when Karkaroff said the name an old man was looking through papers to search for the name

The old man passed the paper to Barty "Mr. Rosier is dead"

Moody was one step away from Dumbledore to whisper something in his ear

"If that is all the witness has to offer-" "No, No No!" Karkaroff shouted "There was Rookwood he was a spy"

"Augustus Rookwood from the Department of mysteries"? Barty asked "Yeah, yeah the same. He pasted information to You- know - who from inside the ministry itself" said Karkaroff smiling

There was some silence as to seem Barty didn't know what to do "Very well counsel will deliberate, in the mean time you will be returned back to Azkaban"

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