5th year: Chapter 29 The Minstry of Magic

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~August 12 1995~

It was the day Harry had to go to the Ministry of Magic

He felt insecure about it but he also knew it was unfair for them to expel him for defending himself and saving his cousin's life

Auther Weasley was going to take Harry to the Minstry of Magic through the visiting pass

When they were out in the muggle world they went down in escalator

And then they went to a payphone box and put some muggle in and the payphone box went down

When they hit there destination, the phone made a little ding sound to yet them know they were there

Auther open the door to yet Harry go out first

Harry was looking all around in the Ministry of Magic

It was huge, people were coming in and out by using floo powder and people were reading the daily prophet or selling the daily prophet

When they went to their left there were two big gold statues with small little birds flying around them

And last a flag with the minister on it. Cornelius fudge

Auther and Harry went to a elevator with many other people and the last person to get in was Kinsley

Kinsley wishperd something into Auther ear "Merlin's beard, thank you Kinsley" said Auther

"They change the time of your hearing" said Auther to Harry "When us it"? Harry asked

"In 5 minutes" the elevator went back and people started to hold onto the straphangers and then the elevator when down

When the door open there was only Harry, Auther, Kinsley and the elevator man

"Department of mysteries" a woman's voice said from no where

The department of mysteries was a odd place because there was so many doors and so many parts where you could easily get lost

But when they steped out of the elevator, they heard voices. Lucius Malfoy and Cornelius Fudge

They stoped talking and looked behind them, giving them a look and Auther pulled Harry away to keep walking

"Remember during the hearing speak only when your spoken to" said Auther not making eye contact

"Keep clam, you're done nothing wrong. as the muggles say 'Truth will out'"

"Yes"? Auther asked if it was true but Harry didn't know what to say so he just gave him a nod

"Good luck Harry" said Auther and Harry left to go into the court room

Harry was in a chair, in the middle of the room where everyone else was in front of him siting in the stands

"Disciplinary hearing of the 12th of August into offenses committed by Harry James Potter"

"Resident at number Four Privet Drive the whinging sorry interrogators Cornelius Oswald Fuge minster-"

"Witnes of defense Ablus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore" Dumbledore said walking beside Harry

"You- you got our message that the time and place of the hearing had been change... did you?" said the minster

"I've misted of missed it but by a haven mistake I arrived at the Ministry three hours earlier" said Dumbledore

There was a silent for a moment in the room until Dumbledore spoke "Charges"?

The minster put on his glasses "The charges against the accused are follows that he did knowingly and of full awareness"

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