Chapter One: The Arrival

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"Now Tubbo, if Eret hurts you or you feel this isn't the right home for you, I'm sure we could find another home for-"

"Miss Amber, I'll be fine here! From some small internet snooping, Eret seems to be quite the bicon and a very accepting person. Besides, it'll be nice to be around someone my age for once!"

"Ah, you're right! But seriously, you have my number."


"Let's get out of the car for now, kiddo!"

"Fucking finally!"

"Tubbo, what did we say about swearing?"

"Uh... Not to, my favourite social worker..."

"Exactly. And flattery won't work Mr. Underscore."

Tubbo and his social worker both gently opened their individual doors, Tubbo Underscore desperately trying to hide his excitement about what was to come not after he entered his Uncle Eret's (Otherwise known as his new guardian) home. No. Tubbo, the rather plump, hazelnut haired boy was excited for another reason. A reason that would (to anyone except his best friend) hide behind his seemingly innocent eyes.

Tubbo's social worker, Puffy, put a caring hand on Tubbo's shoulder to reassure the younger (and herself) that everything would be okay with Eret after knocking three times on the large, modernistic door to Eret's megamansion.

"Tubbo, I'm going to miss you. You're- You're a good kid! Annoying at times, but still!"

Tubbo smiled appreciatevely at the young woman, giving her a well earned playful punch for the last line. Even though they'd met before and she couldn't remember (She'd never remember, Tubbo would just have to remember that and stop being quite so hopeful) the vibrant emerald eyed boy with his signature red bandana from he'd picked up as a reminder of an...old...friend. Either way, he'd see 'him' soon. He was so glad GB had told him of his location.

Big Tubs was snapped out though by the sound of a front door open, right, he was going into someone's home, the home of Eret and Fundy Kings. An adult dressed in clothes fit for his namesake, a literal king, stood looking out at the two, smiling (as people do when they usually see Tubbo) due to the Underscore's angelic, thoroughly misleading, aura.

"Ah, hello there! You must be Tubbo!"

"Uhm, hi Uncle! I'm glad to meet you! Prime, the car journey was so long!"

Tubbo's voice always came out sweet as honey (like bees, (I LOVE BEES)) when talking to new people. It was a developed skill, perhaps a habit? Either way, Tubbo always had the feeling he MUST make the best first impression as to not get off on the wrong foot. Maybe it started as a kid, perhaps during the reign of... Sc-.... No, he didn't want to think about the 'before'. Much too painful, even now, he thought to himself.

"So, I heard you use all pronouns Uncle. Is that right?" Came Tubbo's voice again. The bee boy made it purposely meek sounding, giving the illusion of uncertainty which in situations like this was preferred.

"Yep, that's right! I use any and all pronouns, mostly the normalish He/they/she/it ect but I won't get offended at any other ones! If anyone here would like to be an as- butthole about it, say it here, right now! I'm also bi, so any homophobic fu- ducks can say what that want now and do your stupid childish rants since I have the time right now. Great, I assume you're both fine with it, looking at the two of you!"

Well, he couldn't lie, Eret was right! Tubbo's eyes had lit up with pure delight! Eret really was such a bicon. If anyone dared to be homophobic, transphobic or against the LGBTQ+ community, they would feel Eret's wrath. And better now than later.

"Wow, that's better than Daddy. He always screamed about them "damn faggots" whenever he saw a gay couple in the street!"

That was also true. Man, his father was an ass. Good think he wasn't around anymore. Eret was in complete and utter shock at how nonchalant Tubbo was acting about his late father's homophobia, it had clearly happened a lot, luckily to the younger's clear distain.

"Wow... That's... Perhaps therapy... Uh, so! I bet you're hungry! How about I get Fundy to show you around, let you see your bedroom, get you comfortable and stuff like that?"

Wow, Tubbo had forgotten just how comforting and caring, smooth and reassuring Eret's voice sounded like. Perhaps that was because every memory of him was tainted by the lingering reminder of the man's crimes against him and his friends and family. Either way, this Eret was fine. This Eret was new and fatherly!

"Not to be rude, but, what's a Fungie? Or was it Fwumpy?"

That made Tubbo internally laugh right after saying that. He and the others had always teased Fundy with those names. Not rude enough to be bullying, but bordering it. Did Fundy still have his accent here? Tubbo hoped he did.

"Ahah, you'll see when you come in. Follow me, Puffy, Tubbo!"

911 Words!

(Nearly 1000)

Authors note:

Jeez, this took a lot of my mental capacity away considering how long this took for Wattpad to allow to be uploaded! By the way, this book is in a new, different style to my other books! I would like to say that I have not given up on my other books, I have like ten chapters to post when Wattpad stops playing up!

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