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Lola sat in the cafe with Tom and smiled as he handed her a hot chocolate and smiled "thanks" she said as he nodded

"don't mention it, you look as if you need it I mean you are going to be giving birth soon so you need as much energy as you need" Tom said as Lola looked to him and sighed "oh don't remind me. I am so scared over it" Lola said as Tom smiled

"I know, I know it's scary and I know that things haven't been the easiest when it comes to you and me but I love you and I love our baby and I want us to make to work. It's just not going to be the easiest" Tom said as Lola smiled

"I know I do feel like at times things wouldn't be so hard if we weren't hiding this at times and if you weren't my teacher but I know it is what it is and that no matter what we do. We have to try and find a way to make it work" Lola said as Tom smiled

"I know but it is what it is, and it is going to be okay I promise" Tom said as he leant in and kissed her,m

Lola looked to him and smiled, she only hoped that he was right and how they could make it work

Lola got to school and walked into the common room and smiled as she saw Grace

"are you okay" grace as Lola looked to her and sighed

"I think so, things are just hard and I hate it, I want to make it work I am having his baby" Lola said as grace looked to her and smiled

"I know but you and Tom are good together and you can do this, you don't need to worry it is all going to be okay" grace said as Lola looked to her and smiled.

Lola hoped that grace was right as she knew that it wasn't easy. Lola knew that she just wanted to be with Tom and be happy but she knew that life wasn't that easy

"what would I do without you" Lola asked as grace smiled as she pulled her into a hug. Grace knew how bad that she felt.

Lola was her best friend and she was going through hell when it came to her and Tom but grace knew how Lola was keeping things from her and how she and Tom were keeping one hell of a secret from her and she knew that she didn't like lying to her and she had no idea how much longer that she could do it for

Lola stood in the hallway and frowned as she placed a hand on her bump. She groaned as she felt a sharp pain hit her. Grace looked to her and frowned

"are you okay" grace asked as Lola felt the pain again as she looked to gee and frowned

"I don't know, there's something not right and I'm scared, it's too early for labour and I'm scared" Lola said as grace looked to her But was Lola really in labour?

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