n i n e t e e n

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March 31st 2017
Avengers Compound

"Ember how about you slow down on the drinks now." Steve stopped her from ordering another drink from the bar.

"But I like it." She argued, her lips forming a pout which Steve couldn't help but find adorable.

"Yeah, you're not gonna like it in the morning though, are you?"

Steve had noticed Ember talking to Loki earlier in the evening. And it bothered him. A lot.

For multiple reasons.

1. He didn't trust Loki

2. Loki was annoying

3. Loki kept smiling at her

4. Ember was smiling at him

5. Ember was laughing with him

6. Loki spoke to her at the party before Steve even got a chance to

7. Ember hadn't even looked at him while she was with Loki

8. It should have been him spending all his time with Ember at the party. Not Loki.

9. Loki literally tried to take over the world, Steve didn't understand why he wasn't in jail.

10. Steve was jealous.

Yes, he had finally come to terms with the fact that he was extremely jealous anytime Ember even so much looked in the direction of another person that wasn't himself.

The jealousy was definitely a personality trait he would have to work on, considering Ember didn't seem to want anything to do with him other than a simple friendship.

It was so incredibly annoying seeing that Steve was so utterly obsessed with her.

Not to mention the fact that every single time that he saw her he wanted to push her up against a wall and kiss her senseless.

If was becoming an issue.

Steve Rogers wasn't always as gentlemanly as everyone thought he was — His brain went kind of wild whenever he saw Ember.

"I don't like this party anymore." She whined. "I want another drink."

"You're not getting another drink."

"That's not fair."

"I'm just keeping you safe."

"Well it makes you annoying."

"You love me."

"You're cute when you copy things I say. Like that. When you say that thing. It's kind of our thing and I like it."

Yep, she was drunk.

Or out of her mind.

Maybe both.

"I think it's time to get you back to your apartment, Em."

She frowned, "Are you coming?"

"I'm gonna come so I make sure you get back safe, because I don't think you can walk in a straight line."

"I can walk in a straight line." She protested, standing up, "I'm a very straight person."

"I'm sure you are." Steve said, gripping her arm firmly so she wouldn't completely topple over.

"Apart from when it comes to Natasha Romanoff. She's very pretty— Maybe I'm not straight."

"Maybe." Steve replied, guiding her through the crowds and towards the exit.

She didn't really stop talking until she and Steve finally reached Embers apartment. She didn't shut up the entire time— Her sentences made absolutely no sense at all, though. She was rambling about Indian elephants, but Steve couldn't really make sense of anything she was saying.

He didn't care though, it was cute.

When they finally reached her apartment, Steve used his handprint and hand scanner to open the apartment door— His handprint was something Ember had insisted to be added considering the amount of time off Steve had been having lately resulting his injury.

By this point, Steve has to basically carry Ember into her bedroom, where she just flung herself on her bed, instantly sinking into the warm, soft fabric of her mattress.

The alcohol had definitely kicked in to its full extent now.

"Are you going to be okay?" Steve asked her as she just lay on the bed.

"No." She replied with a frown.

"Why?" He asked, still standing at the foot of the bed, although he had basically carried her to her bedroom, he didn't want to take any sort of advantage of her by invading her personal space while she was not able to think things through correctly, so he distanced himself at the opposite end of the room.

"Because you're leaving." She pouted.

"I have to leave. Sober you wouldn't want me to stay."

"But I am sober."

Steve couldn't help but let out a chuckle at her comment, "Sweetheart you're far from sober."

God he could never have called her that— He really hoped she remembered none of this in the morning.

The only times he had ever called her sweetheart was when he was trying to ridicule her, or win in a fight where she was being completely stupid and naive... Or the very few times he had accidentally slipped up and let it slip out.

"I like it when you call me that."

"No you don't."

"But I do." She persisted, "I just pretend I don't, because the weird fluttery feeling I get in my stomach scares me."

Steve didn't respond. He didn't know how to respond.

He knew that for some people, alcohol worked as almost a truth serum, and when they were in a drunken state, all kinds of secrets that they had been keeping locked away could slip loose— But Steve tried to push this thought to the back of his mind, he didn't want to get his hopes up just because he was talking to Ember in an extremely drunken state.

"Hey Em—" Something in her room caught his eye, "Whats that?"

Ember looked up to what he was pointing at— The green pendant on her dresser.

"Oh— My friend gave me that, he's really cool. You wouldn't like him though, I think you'd wanna punch him in the face."

Oh, Steve had a list of people he wanted to punch in the face.

"You tell me about it in the morning, yeah?"

There was a pause, Steve wasn't really sure what to say— He was scared to say anything, incase drunken Ember said something which got his hopes up about the possibility of them.

"You know, you're really cute." And there it was, the words he didn't want to hear, "I don't know why you don't have a girlfriend."

Oh, Steve knew. The only girl Steve even wanted to be his girlfriend, wasn't even interested.

"I also like your hands. And your face, your face is really pretty. I also think you'd suit a beard— You should grow a beard. Did I mention your face is really pretty?"

He couldn't take it anymore. There was fine mj even between the real truth, and the alcohol talking, but he didn't know from which the words were coming from.

"I'm going to leave you to get some rest, alright, Em? I'm come and visit you in the morning."

"I wish you would stay." She pouted.

"Yeah... Me too." He said, quiet enough so that she wouldn't hear.

villain | STEVE ROGERS 18+ Where stories live. Discover now