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April 10th 2017
Avengers Compound

"This is your job, Rogers."

Steve Rogers had the unfortunate luck of having to deal with Nick Fury— Demanding he went on a solo mission. 

"Just, I can't right now, Fury." Steve argued.

He never argued with Nick Fury, but this was a special occasion.

"Why can't you, Rogers. What is more important than than a mission that I have personally came here to send you on?"

Steve didn't say anything, he just hung his head, shaking it slightly, pissed off he was being sent away so soon after Ember woke up.

"C'mon Fury, Rose just got out of hospital this morning."

"I don't know if you've noticed, Rogers. But that isn't my problem, nor is it yours."

April 11th 2017
Avengers Compound

"So am I staying locked up in this compound forever, or what?" Ember stood with her arms crossed, or as much of her arms crossed as she could, considering one was in a sling, "I wish the headquarters was still at that tower, then at least I'd get to live out a live action tangled life."

"Mhm, pop culture reference, didn't think that was really your thing." Tony put down a file he had opened with a long sigh, knowing Ember wasn't going anywhere.

"Steve made me watch it. He said I was as annoying as the lizard thing so—"

"Yep, don't need the details about you and your boyfriend, thanks kid."

"He's not my boyfriend." She groaned.

"You tell him that." Tony muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"He waited the full four days you were in hospital, kid. You gotta like, y'know, tell him where you stand."

"I stand in your office, trying to convince you to either let me leave this place, or to actually become an Avenger."

"An Avenger?"

"Yeah. An Avenger."

"What happened to 'I'm miss mysterious and do all of my work alone' and then your evil laugh."

"I don't have an evil laugh."

"Na, kid. Your laugh is pretty evil."

"I hate you. Just let me become an Avenger. I can burn peoples faces off and your lives will be so much easier."



Tonys face grew more serious.

"You're heavily injured right now, Ember." His eyes looked down at her cast, and the gash on her forehead held together with butterfly strips.

"So? Then I start when I'm healed. It's the whole reason I'm actually here and not on the raft right now, isn't it? You brought me in because you thought I'd be a good addition to the team—"

"Yeah— That's originally why you were brought here, but—"

"But? Why is there a but? This shouldn't be your decision to make—"

"Yes but I'm the one who decided to take you in and stay here." Tony said, more stern than his previous statements had been, "And if you get injured, or if you die, then that's on me."

villain | STEVE ROGERS 18+ Where stories live. Discover now