In this bright future you cant forget the past. ~ Bob Marley

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Aubrey woke the next morning still in her clothes. She yawned and sat up. She rubbed her eyes and then opened them. Why was she still in her clothes? Must've accidentally fallen asleep while reading again. But she didn't remember ever picking up a book or coming home for that matter. She shrugged. Aubrey got out of bed and changed into a new set of clothes. She brushed her curly, red hair until it was soft and knotless.

"Why did you come home so early yesterday?" Kiss appeared in her bathroom doorway.

"Wha'd'ya mean?" She slurred as she brushed her teeth.

"Don't play games with me, Brey." She crossed her arms and leaned against the threshold. "You came home all flustered and wouldn't say a word to me."

"I have no idea what you're blabbering about." Aubrey sighed. "I have to go."
She grabbed her soft, cloth messenger bag.

"Teenagers." Kiss rolled her eyes.

"You're a teenager, too, ya know?" Aubrey said as-matter-of-factually.

"Actually, if you've forgotten, I'm a humanoid. Only made to look 18."

"Whatever." Aubrey glanced at her self in the bathroom mirror then walked to her bedroom door.

"Where are you going?" Kiss blocked the open door.

Aubrey sighed deeply. "To school, Kiss, now move." She pushed past Kiss and went to her home unit front door.

"Brey, promise me that you'll actually show up this time," Kiss looked at her doubtfully.

"C'mon, Kiss, how many times have I let you down before?" Aubrey smiled as she opened the door.

"I have a recorded file of all the times if you'd like to see it."

"Nah that's ok," she stepped through the door into the morning air. She took a deep breath of the warm air.

Kiss looked after her as she left. "One day your life will flash before you eyes, Aubrey, make sure it's worth watching."

Aubrey looked back over her should at Kiss. "Why would I want to remember something as awful as life?"

"If it's so awful then make it worth remembering."

Aubrey didn't answer her and started walking down the sidewalk. She reached school and got to class. No point in ditching today, she thought to herself. And so began a very uneventful day at school.

3 hours later
12:15 p.m. October 16

Aubrey was sitting alone in the study hall. She had already had her food pill and was just sitting down to read. She sat away from everyone else and pulled a reading tablet from her bag. She pressed on the book she wanted, The Chronicles of Narnia, and began reading.

A few minutes later she heard the all too familiar footsteps of Edlynn Peters. Attempting to not be noticed by her, Aubrey pressed her back against the wall and stayed quiet. Well that was a waste of her time because Lynn definitely noticed her. "Well, well, well if it isn't the useless loner: Aubrey." She smirked.

"What do you want, Edlynn?" Aubrey glared up at her.

"Oh come on, Worth, or should I say Worthless," she smiled and squared down next to Aubrey.

"I don't want any trouble," Aubrey tried to negotiate only to be shoved against the wall forcefully.

"Oh but trouble's all I want," she chuckled. "Now here's what's gonna go down." She stood back up and took out a stunner. Aubrey's eyes widened, not in fear but in surprise. A stunner is a weapon only used by Enforcers. Lucky for Edlynn her dad is an Enforcer, allowing her access to his weapons. As long as her dad didn't catch her taking them, that is.

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