Keep friends close and enemies closer.

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Aubrey attended school all the rest of the week. Chaise and her hung out after school everyday at the park. She suffered only a few severe glares from Edlynn, but she never approached Aubrey. They had made plans to meet up at Opium again on Friday night. School ended on Friday and Aubrey rushed home. Kiss was gone that weekend to attend an upgrade meeting/convention.

Aubrey hurried to her room to find an outfit. She sifted through her clothes until she found something somewhat suitable for the club. She put on black skinny jeans, gold sneakers, and a golden shirt that flowed to her mid hip. She brushed out her hair and the. Pulled it back into a loose ponytail. She applied some natural colored eyeshadow, mascara, and dark red lipstick.

She examined herself in the mirror and smiled. Nothing was going to ruin her night. She glanced at herself once more and headed to Opium. She got there in record time. Chaise was waiting for her outside the club entrance. He was wearing a black suit, that looked almost business like.

He smiled and greeted her as she approached. "You're looking especially girly tonight," he said jokingly.

"And you look like you're about to attend a meeting," she retorted.

"Fair enough," he held his hand out to her. "Shall we?"

She took his hand. "Let's."

They walked through the main entrance. When she started to questioned him about not waiting in line Chaise told her that he was a "special" member. They walked through the club, weaving through people.

"Stay close to me," he instructed her.

She nodded an he tightened his grip on her hand. They made their way to the dance floor. An up beat, fast pace, in vogue song was shaking up the dance floor. Chaise turned towards her, still grasping her hand protectively.

"Care to dance?" He asked playfully.

"I've only ever danced in the shower," she admitted solemnly.

"Then show off those wet moves," he mused and started to move to the beat.

She shrugged and joined in. Aubrey swung her hips, pretending she wasn't surrounded by hundreds of strangers.

Chaise laughed. "You're not half bad!"

"Not too shabby yourself, Mr. Pierce," she bantered.

They continued to groove to the music, Chaise never letting her hand go. After dancing to fast pace songs a while the DJ switched the pace to slow songs. The beat as smooth as honey and as sweet as sugar lilies washed over the dance floor. Chaise, with his free hand guided hers to his shoulder and then placed his hand on her waist. He pulled her incredibly close, causing her to blush. Her heart skipped beats. How could this guy have such an effect on her?

He slowly guided her steps with his until they moved in sync. He bent his head down until his lips brushed her ear.

"You look beautiful," he whispered. His words sent shivers down her spine. She turn her face away shyly. He smiled adoringly.

"You shouldn't be saying things like that to such a significantly lower ranked person," she stated quietly. He tightened his hold on her petite waist.

"Ranks don't matter to me," he replied honestly.

"But your father--" she started uncertainly.

"My father can take a long walk off a short pier if he thinks he controls who and who I don't spend my time with."

She nodded wordlessly. What do you say to someone that is so determined?

"The only thing I'm uncertain about is: do you return my feelings?" He questioned expectantly.

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