The secret to a friendship is being a good listener.

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After school Aubrey hurried to Opium. Opium is the coolest, craziest, top rank night club in Beyond. She had never been there although she had tried to sneak out several times, each time ended in a harsh scolding from Kiss. But Kiss was nowhere in sight and Aubrey was already one block away from the club. She pulled out her forged identification card, that said she was 21 instead of 17.

She waited in a thirty minute line before she finally reached the entrance.

"ID card, please," a bulky, ninety percent muscle, ten percent bad breath, man said. Aubrey handed hers to him and he studied it carefully and then looked at her briefly. Then he stepped aside and handed her back the card. "Enjoy your night, Miss Worth."

"You too Mr..." She looked over him for a name tag but there was non to be found.

"Castro," he finished her sentence.

"Have a wonderful night, Mr. Castro," she smiled and entered the club.

It was all she dreamed it be and more. Giant lava lamps scattered around the building, two pools and hot tubs, a casino, arcade, LED lights lit up the bar counters, chemicals in drinks causing them to glow, people dancing on the dance floor, the skylight roof showing the colorful sunset, and last but not least the black light lamps made everything glow. The club was dark save for the lava lamps, LED counters, seats and tables, sunset, and black light lamps. The girls on the dance floor swayed their hips to the beat of the pounding music. The boys found a girl to join.

Aubrey looked around in awe. Before she could embarrass herself by looking around like an idiot, she made her way to the bar and climbed up onto one of the high stools. Literally she had to climb up onto it. She wasn't sure if she was just really short or if the stools here were made for giants.

"May I get you a drink?" A humanoid bar tender came up to her. He, like all other humanoids, was stunning and perfect. His blazing blue eyes stood out like blue flames against his black and neon green, fohawked hair. He had a ring piercing through his left eyebrow and snakebite lip piercings.

"Just a water thank you," Aubrey replied. Little word of advice: if you're under age at a club where everyone drinks and you yourself don't plan on drinking, don't order water.

"A water miss?" The humanoid looked her up and down suspiciously. She opened her mouth to say an excuse but non came to mind. He reached down to grab his pager.

"Brey! There you are!" Chaise came up and stood next to her. "I have been looking everywhere for you!"

Aubrey stared back at him blankly. What was he talking about?

Chaise looked at the bartender, who had his hands back by his sides. "Sorry if my girlfriend is bothering you, she claims that I've annoyed her to the point of a headache!" He have a hearty laugh, that seemed...real. Wait a minute did you just say girlfriend? Was he drunk? "C'mon, sweetie, we've got all night to get under each other's skin, let's dance!" He pulled Aubrey away from the bar by the hand before she could protest.

Once they were alone in the corner of the club he let go of her hand and scorned her with his eyes. "What do you think you're doing?" He questioned frustrated.

"I just wanted some water," she spoke softly, still confused by why he dragged her away. "Why did you drag me away?"

"I was saving you, for the second time, if I might add," he crossed his arms over his toned chest, his muscles clearly could be seen through his tee shirt.

"Saving me from the bar tender?"

"Saving you from getting caught, you gotta be more carful, you could've been sent to the stockade."

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