3. Training

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Mai took out her revolver as she infused it with cursed energy. Making it visible to (y/n). She aimed it at him and shot once, (y/n) moved his hand in front of his head and caught the rubber ball.

Mechamaru: "Impressive."

(y/n): "Ow, ow, ow."

He let go of the rubber ball and started shaking his hand in pain. The way he caught the ball was the same as getting shot in the palm of his hand.

Mai: This'll be easier than I thought

She shot twice, alerting (y/n), this time dodged instead of catching. She shot three times now, but ended with the same result, much to Mai's annoyance.

(y/n) then reached his hands onto each side of his hip and seemed to pull something from them, but it was just him making finger guns, aiming them at Mai, which was attempting to reload her revolver.

(y/n): "Pew, pew"

(y/n) "shot" each hand individually, releasing cursed energy that hit Mai like a strong wind, the first one was enough to make her stagger and the second one made her go flying, dropping her rubber pullets everywhere. 

Mai: "Tch"

She quickly got on her feet and ran to (y/n), using her revolver to hit him, but he would dodge or move her arm if it got close enough. She was furious, seeing that a "blind" guy was making a fool of her made her blood boil.

As (y/n) dodged, he opened his hand and with his palm hit the air in front of Mai's stomach, sending Cursed energy that sent her flying again.

Mai was feeling humiliated, and as she saw (y/n) quickly approaching her, she imbued more cursed energy into her revolver, making a real bullet and shot to (y/n).

He barely dodged it, but the bullet cut a side of his bandages and his skin, letting some blood come out.

Miwa: "C-careful!"

Aoi: "Oi, Mai, you can't use that technique in training." 

 Mai: "Tch."

The downside about Mai's technique to create something from nothing is that it uses almost all of her cursed energy, leaving her tired, and by consequence, having lost the duel with (y/n), which then aimed his finger gun at her.

Mechamaru: "The winner seems to be (y/n)."

(y/n): "Yahoo! It was a good fight, Zen'in-san. You almost got me... especially at the end..."

Mai: "Don't try to act humble... And just call me Mai."

(y/n) "sure"

Aoi: "Hey' (y/n), you have sparked my interest. I would also like to spar with you too."

(y/n): "Okay!"

Mai walked back to where the rest were as Aoi stood by (y/n), ready to fight, wanting to test his strength by himself. He ripped off his shirt, exposing his muscles and getting into his fight stance.

Mai: Why does he always do that?

Aoi: "Let us begin!"

(y/n): "Alright!"

They both ran at each other, but Aoi's great speed surprised (y/n), failing to miss a punch to his gut, lifting him a few centimeters.

(y/n): "Guh"

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