17. Much more than just a curse

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Mai: "Just do the same you did with the arms."

(y/n): "Hm... yeah... Let's do that."

But just as he was about to continue his sprint, two of the figures lifted their palms at him and shot a powerful beam of caused energy, aimed at his head, but just as they were about to impact, they stopped just a few centimeters in front of his bandages.

Mai: "(y/n)!"

(y/n): "I'm... Fine... Let's keep forward. Focus on destroying the core and- "

Just before he could continue talking, figures appeared on his sides, attempting to attack him, but he dodged at the last second, but added the extra weight of Mai on his back, he couldn't keep his balance and fell on his side, releasing Mai.

Mai: "Hey!"

(y/n) being on the ground quickly took care of the figures, obliterating them. Quickly stood up and helped Mai.

(y/n): "There's something strange about these... curses."

Mai: "Curses? You mean there's more than one?"

(y/n): "I'm not sure. It's confusing."

Mai: "Can't your strange, soul or whatever vision tell you?"

(y/n): "That's the thing... I can't tell."

Mai hearing (y/n)'s statement, became a little worried about the whole situation, she saw as he obliterated the arms with little to no effort, and remembered how he took on the Special curse and more specially Zen'in Naoya. Still, now he seemed so confused about this particular curse.

Mai: "W-what do you mean?"

(y/n): "It's nothing to worry about... After all, it's me we're talking about."

Mai: "...Prick."

(y/n): "It's a bit troubling but there's nothing I can't solve. I can pinpoint some cores but we'll need to destroy them one by one. Easy."

Mai: "So, get to it."

(y/n): "Yeah but the problem is those things, don't misunderstand me, I can easily wipe them off existence but they sure are annoying."

Mai: "Just do your thing and get us out of here."

(y/n): "What are the magic words?"

Mai: "Seriously?"

(y/n): "What are they?"

Mai: "I'm not saying them!"

(y/n): "What are they?!"

Mai: "Go do your fucking thing or I'll shoot you!"

(y/n): "Bully."

And so, (y/n) began to run and obliterate the figures, but just as quick as he was destroying them, more appeared and in more quantity, complicating things for the two sorcerers.

But (y/n) just kept forward. If more curses appeared, the more he would obliterate, but the amount of them began to be overwhelming.

Mai: "Tch. Just how many more of them are going to appear?!"

(y/n): "The more they are, the more I kill."

Mai: "Let's get this done, I want to go home already."

(y/n): "Sure."

Approaching the first core, a large figure appeared, jumping straight at the sorcerers.

Mai:" Watch out!"

In the last second, (y/n) brought up his right arm with his palm open and straight closed fingers, bringing it down. Slicing the creature in half, making a gap wide enough for them to fit with no problems.

Cursed eyes (Jujutsu Kaisen x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now