5. Trip to Tokyo!

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It was early in the morning. The students gathered at the entrance. Each of them had their luggage for the trip to Tokyo, which would last for some days, the first two being the event.

Utahime: "Alright students, are you ready?"

All: "Yes, Sensei!"

Utahime: "Great, now let's get going. We've got a train to catch."


They soon began their journey to the train station, which was rather calmed with the occasional small talk and (y/n) almost getting run over if it wasn't by Aoi, which had stopped him from crossing when a truck was passing by.

The people would often stare at them, confused why they were all dressed the same, except for Utahime and Yoshinobu. 

They eventually reached the train station, boarded their train, and sat on their respective seats, and in some hours they'll reach their destiny. The seats were in pairs, Aoi sat with Kamo, Miwa with Mechamaru, Utahime with Yoshinobu, and lastly, Momo with Mai.

(y/n) was sitting behind Miwa and Mechamaru, in front of Aoi and Kamo, and on the next aisle, were Mai and Momo.

Each of them was talking about trivial things or looking from the windows, watching how everything the train passed was just seen as a blur. Except for a certain someone, which didn't see them at all.

The whole trip was silent for (y/n), occasionally Miwa would turn around and say some things to him but the rest was just silent, ending up falling asleep. Again, Miwa turned around to comment to (y/n) about some things in Tokyo, but she saw him leaning on the window, she assumed he was sleeping since he didn't respond, and it wasn't like she could differentiate whether his eyes are open or closed. So she decided to take a photo of a peaceful (y/n). Something rare since he always seemed full of energy.

With a soft smile, she put her phone in her pocket and sat down normally. Awaiting the arrival in Tokyo.


The train stopped, letting the passengers onboard exit after a 2-hour journey to the capital Tokyo, the students were grabbing their luggage as (y/n) was still in deep slumber. Miwa tried to wake him up, but as it didn't give results, Momo smacked him with her broom, instantly waking him up.

(y/n): "Gah!"

Momo: "About time."

Miwa: "M-momo-chan!"

Momo: "What? He wasn't waking up."

After an apology from Miwa, the students finally left the train station, making their way to a location where they'll meet.

As they walked through the busy streets of Tokyo, they couldn't help but stare at everything, since it was somewhat different from Kyoto. The difference between them was very noticeable. Kyoto was a more traditional place, while Tokyo was way more modern and with a lot of people on the streets, the sightseeing was more tiring than in Kyoto, being more relaxing.

(y/n) already wanted to go back, seeing a lot of souls, (some of them having a taint of red meaning they have killed someone) and the sound of the people was disturbing for him.

Some employees from the Tokyo Jujutsu High went to pick them up, in three different cars since they were 9 people in total, in the first car were Utahime and Yoshinobu, in the second was the third years, Momo, Noritoshi, and Aoi, and on the last one was the second years, Miwa, Mechamaru, Mai and (y/n). Mechamaru was in the passenger seat due to his size and the other three on the back, (y/n) being in the middle seat, eating some dango he bought on the way. 

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