Chapter 7

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The time has finally come. The release of Spider-Man: No Way Home. I came in contact with my older brother in America who is also a huge fan. As a sibling bonding session, he'd like to see the movie with me. I invited him to the premiere of No Way Home. All the rumors are true, there are 3 generations of Spider-Man in the movie. I even got a spot in the movie. I'm playing Ned's little sister who reacts to Andrew Garfield coming in as Spider-Man or Peter Parker. My brother and I attend the red carpet together. It's kinda awkward. We come from two completely different worlds, and we have different accents. Yet, we have the same parents. It's crazy how the world works out.

We're watching the movie, and then when Ned says,
"Find Peter Parker."
Andrew Garfield comes out of the portal. Everyone in the audience loses their crap. It's really him. When he held his mask in his mouth. For some reason, everyone thought that was hot. He crawls on the ceiling and everything. For a man who is nearly 40, he looks great. Then, the moment when Tobey Maguire popped up on screen, the older generation in the audience also lost their crap. Now, there are finally 3 generations of Spider-Man on the big screen. This has got to be the best movie of 2021. A great way to end the year, for sure.

When the movie was over, people were left emotionless. Crying, confused, and wondering. If nobody knows who Peter Parker is, then what's next for the series. Spider-Man always comes in trilogies, rip Andrew, so is this the finale? Or is it just the beginning? We may never know the truth of what's next. I do know one thing; this movie is dad's official retirement from Spider-Man. He handed the suit to Tom Holland. He's so glad that Tom is filling out the suit. We couldn't think of a better guy to play Peter Parker. He's got a great look of him too. I think he's an incredible Spider-Man. It just makes sense. What would be next? Truly.

When we got home, Andrew and I had a series talk.
"Now that you're 18, you can move out if you please." Andrew said.
"I've already applied to Oxford and I'll be living in the dorm. It doesn't mean I won't pop in from time to time and pester you. How are you and your girlfriend?" I asked.
"We're great. You know I seriously love this girl this time." Andrew said.
Her name won't be mentioned to keep her privacy as Andrew would want.
"Will I have siblings any time soon?" I asked.
"I'd love to have kids before I turn 40. I've only got 2 years to work with." Andrew said.
"Don't have your midlife crisis for the 100th time today." I said.
"I'm not worried. Her and I will be taking it slow." Andrew said.
"I'm proud of you, dad. Even though we're not blood, that won't change me calling you my father." I said.
"Thanks so much, honey. How are you and Justin?" Andrew asked.
"He's coming to visit, actually." I said.
"That's great." Andrew said.
"I think he's my first true love." I said.
"You guys are too cute." Andrew said.
"You too." I said.
"Well, is this goodbye?" Andrew asked.
"No, it's just see you later." I said, trying not to cry.
After No Way Home, I'm an emotional wreck. It marks my adulthood, Andrew's next chapter in his life, possibly marriage, my boyfriend moving in with me. We're all approaching new chapters in our lives. We may not know what's next from here. I just hope Andrew is as happy as ever in his new relationship.

I go to my room and start packing up. Packing up this room, with posters covering every inch of the walls, shelves of K-pop albums that I spent at least a million pounds on. Yeah, my obsession got real. What of it? I had to use like 10 large boxes, trying to pack away all my albums and binders. When all my K-pop stuff was packed up, I start packing my more personal items. All my clothes. Separated into piles of: donate, keep, throw away. Clothes that are not fitting me anymore or that are ripped to shreds go into the throw away pile. Packing up my room makes me more emotional than anything. I can't believe I'm saying goodbye to the home I've lived in since I was 10.

While I'm packing up, Andrew comes into my room.
"Hey, I think I know what'll make you feel better. I made a movie musical based on the Jonathan Larson musical. It's called Tick, Tick. . . BOOM! I think you'll love it. You wanna watch it?" Andrew asked.
"Sure." I said, sniffling.
We go to the living room and watch dad's new musical movie on Netflix. When the first song comes on titled 30/90, I'm shocked by Andrew's vocals. I had no idea he could sing so well. Wow, that's really impressive.
"You can sing?!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, I worked with a really talented vocal coach who helped me open up my voice." Andrew said.
"Wow, you did you really well in this movie." I said.
"Thank you. I appreciate that." Andrew said.

Well, I guess this story is coming to a close. Andrew has found the love of life and will be moving to America permanently with her. I will be moving out of Andrew's old house into my dorm at Oxford University. Things seem to be wrapping up quite nicely this time around. I'm glad to be raised by such a talented actor like Andrew Garfield. He's made me into the woman I am today. I've grown up to be quite the talented person. An actress, aspiring singer, writer. Who knows what's next for me while I'm in university. I loved living with Andrew, and I can't wait to see what's next for him in his relationship with his girlfriend. I hope they have a happy and healthy relationship.

The End❣

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