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Demetri held the punching bag as Nicole kicked and punched as hard as she could

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Demetri held the punching bag as Nicole kicked and punched as hard as she could.

"Easy. Save some for Cobra Kai." Demetri said.

"Yeah, if we're ever actually allowed to stand up to them." Her sister spoke up.

Nicole punched it again letting out angry groans.

"Hey everyone, I've got news." Daniel walked outside.

They all gathered around, Daniel holding a piece of paper.

"The All Valley committee just announced big changes for the tournament." Daniel told his students.

"What kind of changes?" Sam asked.

"Good? Bad?" Nicole added on.

"See for yourself. It's a whole new ball game." He replied.

He handed the paper to his daughters and everyone looked over at it.

"They're introducing skills competition?" Demetri questioned.


"Kata, board breaking, weapons display?"

"And there's going to be a girl's division, so that means..."

"There'll be two All Valley champs."

"And an extra chance to beat Cobra Kai's ass."

"Speaking of, what does that mean for the bet?"

"There's a grand champion trophy for whichever dojo wins the most points." Daniel explained.

"All I know is that the girls division belongs to the LaRusso sisters." Sam smirked.

"Oh, and Mary. If you're actually good by then." Nicole joked.

"I bet I could kick your ass right now." Mary raised her eyebrows.

"Ooh, is that a challenge?" Nicole smirked.

"Just may be."

"But wait, where's Courtney? Shouldn't she be here as well?" Demetri asked.

"She hasn't been answering my calls or texts or anything. We're gonna have to talk to her in person."

"Okay, we'll go after we go see Eli."

Nicole nodded.

"Alright guys, that just leave the skills and the boys. I'm counting on you guys." Daniel said.

"Who? Us?" Chris questioned.

"Yeah, we're a bunch of Rudy's. I mean, sure we're good for the occasional inspirational moment, but we're not exactly center mat material." Demetri said.

"We were better off with Miguel and Hawk." Chris mentioned.

"Or he who shall not be named. Rhymes with Dobby."

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