The Discovery

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The trio soon went to the curator to show him what their brother had discovered. They hovered around his desk as the curator stared at the map with a small eyepiece, examining it closely as Evelyn spoke to him. 

"See the Cartouche there, it's the official royal seal of Seti the First, I'm sure of it." she pointed gently at the seal on the map. The curator didn't look very pleased by this. He stared at the map puzzled and focused. While Rosie looked halfway interested as she sat in one of the chairs. Leaning back comfortably and sighing.

 "Well he sounds important" she mumbled. Jonathan nodded and watched the other two pouring over the map and looked eager to find out more. "Important yes but I have questions, who was he and was he rich?" he asked and looked at the two who were examining the box and map. Asking those questions made Evie smile excitedly. 

"Well he was the last Pharaoh of the old kingdom, said to be the wealthiest pharaoh of them all," she said. John's eyebrows perked up in surprise. 

"Ok, good, good! I like this fellow, I like him very much." His comment just made Rosie roll her eyes. 

"Well that's great and all but have you even looked at the map yet? Like where it leads you to?" Rosie asked and looked at her brother and sister. 

"Right! Now that you mention it I have already dated it, and it seems to be almost four thousand years old... this map, I think leads to Hamunaptra." Evy said, Rosie sat up in her seat, now interested. All the while the Curator looked less than thrilled about that information. He scoffed. 

"My dear girl don't be ridiculous, we are scholars, not treasure hunters. Hamunaptra is a myth," he said. Rosie rose up and crossed her arms. "Maybe I should have a look at the map properly though, I am a professional cartographer." She came to the desk and examined the map. putting on a round pair of spectacles. 

"This looks to be like they drew this in a hurry." She trailed off and looked at the small picture of Hamunaptra in the far right corner. Just looking at this map made her feel uneasy. And she always trusted her gut with these sorts of feelings. So she backed off and watched as her brother and sister spoke of the lore of the City of the Dead. 

"All we really know is that the City mysteriously vanished in 2,134 B.C." Evie said and then the Curator spoke up,"hmph- as the Americans would say: it's all fairy tales and hokum." he held the map up to the candle on his desk to seemingly get a better look, but it set it on fire!! Causing the three siblings' eyes to widen in alarm. Evy and Johnathan scrambled to put it out and Rosie's jaw dropped seeing it burnt on one corner.

"You bloody burnt it!" she yelled and Johnathan continued "that's just great you burnt off the part of the lost city!" he glared at the curator and then looked at the map. The Curator shrugged, leaning back. 

"Well, it is all for the best I am sure. Many men have wasted their lives in the foolish pursuit of Hamunaptra, no one has ever found it, and most have never returned," he said. All the while Jonathan looked at the map like it was a deceased loved one. 

"Y-you killed my map..." he said and Rosie put a hand on his shoulder to somewhat comfort him. The curator tried to dismiss this and said "I'm sure it was a fake anyway. I'm surprised you'd be so fooled by that Miss Carnahan." he reached out of the puzzle box but was cut off by Evy snatching it off the desk. 

"I wasn't fooled one bit," she said and walked out of the study with the box and map in hand. Johnathan followed in pursuit. "Well- it's been nice, map murderer," he said and saluted the curator in a sort of sarcastic way. Rosie just waved and exited after him. The Curator sighed and went to his phone. Calling a number as it rang and a voice answered. "Yes it's me...we have a problem".

-Somewhere near a Cario Prison-

The three walked down the busy streets of Cairo to the prison. Evy looking rather mad, fixed her hat on her head as a gust of wind blew it. "You said you had found it out on a dig in Thebes, must you lie to me!?" she hissed to Johnathan.

 "I was just mistaken and honestly I lie to everybody. What makes you so special?" that earned him an elbow to the ribs by Rosie. He grunted and sent her a glare. "Hey!" he snapped and Rosie narrowed her eyes at him "You shouldn't have lied! We are your sisters Jonathan!" Rosie said and Jonathan just huffed in annoyance. "Yeah ok and? It just makes you both more gullible" Rosie resisted the urge to punch him.

"You stole it!" Rosie shook her head and wondered what she was going to do with him. "And from a drunkard no less!" Evelyn added. The two sisters looked like they were scolding a child. "More like I borrowed it," he said as his sisters walked ahead of him and into the prison to meet this drunkard their brother stole from.

The Warden of the Prison had ushered them into a visitor's area. The area was rather small and dirty. One side is for the visitors and the other side is barred off for the prisoners. 

"What was he imprisoned for exactly?" Rosie asked the warden. He simply shrugged. "

I did not know, so when I heard you were coming, I asked him myself," he replied. Evelyn looked curious to know as well. 

"And what did he say?". The warden looked at the three standing there and said, "He said.... He was just looking for a good time". Rosie raised her eyebrows and then shrugged. 

"Eh well.." she trailed off. Not really blaming the guy. Suddenly the door on the other side of the visitor's area burst open with a struggling man being held by four burly-looking guards. The Prisoner was in chains and pushed up to the bars. From the way he looks, He had been in prison for a while. He had a beard and bruises all over and was in desperate need of a shower. Evelyn's nose scrunched up in disgust when she smelt his odor from where she was standing. 

"Uh, but he's just a filthy criminal?" she said and both Rosie and Johnathan looked at her. "Oh yeah nice one eves"...." Evy that's rude!" They say at the same time. The prisoner just watched as the siblings bickered. Giving both of the women a once-over. Then he finally spoke up. 

"So, who're the broads?".

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