The Sun and The Moon

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Everyone seemed to take a minute to recover from what had just happened. Daniel had just gotten back up to them with two shots of bourbon when he sees Henderson's mangled, dried-out corpse. In shock, he drops the glasses. Rosie wiped her lips and made a grossed-out face. "That creep! Showing up in my dreams and ugh!! I felt bad for him at first now I just wanna punch him" She said and walked over to Evy and Rick. Daniels went over and sat in a nearby chair and leaned forward, trying to soak in the loss of his partner. "We need to get out of here, now," Rick said and took both of the girls' hands but Rosie pulled away from him. Still sort of scared from the dream. That dream had been so random, did Imhotep show it to her? Why was she dreaming about that night? Rick looked at her concerned. "I just need to grab a jacket ok jeez" Rosie huffed and grabbed one of her sister's cardigans. Not having time to change out of the Emerald green silk nightie Evy lent her. "Are you ok?" Jonathan asked. He was worried, she was just bloody assaulted by a corpse who thinks she is his lost wife! How do you think one would feel after that?

"I'm fine. Let's just go" She said and walked out the door after slipping on her boots. She felt a tugging at her mind. It was slight but it was there and she hated it. She would rarely experience this but it was what happened last time when she spent her last night with Rick. SHe had a pulling feeling in her head and then suddenly as it began to get worse, she passed out. She couldn't remember getting her things and leaving that Hotel room in France, and she couldn't remember buying the plane ticket to Egypt. She woke up in another dingy hotel in Cairo. Trying to figure out how she had gotten there in the first place, and too scared to even try to contact rick. She was ashamed to leave him like that. But now she sees that he can finally be happy, even if it was with her sister, he deserved better. Everyone got into Jonathan's convertible and Jon raced away. He honked constantly trying to get people out of the road. Evy sat in between him while Rosie sat neat Daniels in the back seat. It was silent until Evy spoke up "you called me your girl?" she looked at Rick. He was hoping she hadn't even heard that part. He cringed a bit and looked away. "What?.. Oh uh yeah. That was just, you know, a figure of speech" He said sheepishly. Rosie rolled her eyes and watched the two from behind. Both Rosie had to admit, were very stubborn. It was like she had to literally push them to get them to try anything. "I think it wasn't," Evy said with a coy smile on her lips. "Huh? No no it was-   I mean, he threw you across the room! Anyone would have said that" HE said in defense. "Sure Rick, sure," Rosie said and smirked. "Why don't you two just kiss already?" both blushed really hard and evy was a sputtering mess "Rosie!" she was about to lecture her but then Daniels butted in. "Shut up! Will you three just shut up! We have to do somethin! NOW before it's too late!" He said, seating with a pale fear-filled face. Jonathan parked his car and they were here, at the Museum of Antiquities. They all hopped out and ran inside.

A full moon is now down on the bazaar, bustling with activity. Suddenly, a kick-in. The green mist begins to swirl down the and the stalls. The people begin to choke and cough and retch as if hit by severe sickness. --It's too late. Imhotep the mob, his face half rotted off, his happiness. Beni is at his side, very nervous. And then, one by one, the to Imhotep, skin now in boils and SORES.

The whole group joined Ardeth and the Curator in the museum, unbeknownst of the next plague that had already started. Evy strode down the halls with everyone following her, "Last I came to an inscription that mentioned The Book Of The Dead" she said. "That book we found at Hamunaptra?" Daniels asked. Evelyn nodded "Yes. it talked of bringing people back from the dead. A notion I was unwilling to believe," she said. Rick was nothing but serious now. "Well Believe it, sister. That's what brought him back to life" Jonathan struggled to keep up with them. "And now he's going to use it to get his girlfriend back" Rosie piped up "That's what I thought too but I don't think so. His girlfriend killed his wife, why would he bring her back when he keeps mentioning his wife?" She said and they all made a face at her point "ah you are right!" Evy said. "He could be trying to revive his wife instead? Out of guilt maybe?" Rick said and Rosie nodded "He watched her die because of his own mistakes so maybe you are right," Rose said. "How do you know he watched her die? we didn't mention that" the curator asked and Rosie shrugged. "I assumed since she also died when they killed the Pharaoh" She lied. She had no idea how she knew that. Ardeth walked with them, "And if he succeeds, the two of them will bring about the apocalypse" he said and Rosie scoffed, weird feelings that did not belong to her bubbled up in her. "Him maybe, but her, no," she said and Ardeth rose an eyebrow at her. They soon make it to the stairs and Rosie puffed. Running up them and kind of falling behind. "God damn so many...stairs" She puffed out. But everyone ignored her. "what we have seen so far, is merely Imhotep flexing his muscles. only at the moment of Satiah's resurrection will he be invincible. The two halves made whole, the sun and the moon" the curator explained. They reach the display cases. Evelyn quickly opens them.

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