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After the screaming had stopped, Ardeth moved a hand on her hand that was covering her left ear, slowly removing it. The car's motor makes it loud. "It's over now," He said and Rosie looked up and then at him. He looked at her with a concerned face and Rosie made eye contact with him then looked away. Assuming he was pitying her. She didn't need that. "Thanks' She said and then all of them screamed as one of the cursed civilians threw themself on the car and went through the windshield. "Oh my god! oh my god!" Jonathan yelled and kept trying to drive and get them out of there. But he couldn't see and lost control of the car as more jumped on the hood. And then they crashed into a brick wall. The hit made them all jerk in the car and it was a miracle no one was seriously injured. Smoke came up from the engine and they started piling out of the car, Rick helping Evelyn out and Ardeth helping Rosie. "Oh, no one gonna help old Johnnie aye? I see I see" Jonathan muttered and the curator rolled his eyes at the man. Both climbing out of the trashed convertible "come on, come on! Let's go!" Rick yelled. They tried to all make a run for it but were quickly surrounded by the angry mob. O'Connell quickly reaches into his gunny sack, pulls out a stick of dynamite, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a match. He looks around for a way to light it, then reaches over and strikes it across Ardeth Bay's stubbly face. Ardeth Bay yelps at the sudden feeling and then holds his chin glaring at Rick. O'Connell holds the lit match near the fuse. The crazed, chanting mob gives O'Connell a wide berth, staring at him and the others with insane, bloodshot eyes. And then Imhotep steps through, --having fully regenerated, he now looks as young and handsome and muscular as he did the day he was buried alive. Evelyn and Rosie stare at him. "He's gorgeous" Eveyln muttered and Rosie said at the same time "oh hot damn".

O'Connell gives both the women a look, the match burns his fingers. He yelps and throws it down grabs another match and strikes it across Ardeth Bay's face again. Ardeth Bay curses and gives O'Connell a look to kill. The Curator shakes his head. "He has consummated the curse, now all he needs to do is re-unite with Satiah and earn her forgiveness," the curator said. "Then it will be the end for us...and the beginning for them" he continued. Imhotep moves forward, heading right for them. O'Connell lights the fuse. Imhotep steps up to O'Connell and stops, watching the fuse burn down. it's a game of chicken. The tension mounts. The lit fuse is about to vanish inside the stick of dynamite, blowing it up, --when Evelyn leans forward and blows it out. "For goodness sakes Rick!" she scolded. O'Connell exhales but keeps his eyes on Imhotep, who extends his hand to Rosie.

"Koontash dai na"

Beni steps through the swarming mass, translating. "Take his hand and he will spare the others," he said to Rosie who looked at the meek little man with a glare. She then looked around surveying the chaos around her to see if they could even have a chance of running away. None. she then looked to Rick. "got any bright ideas up in that head Rick?" he asked and he looked over to her. "Sorry fresh out" he confessed and then looked to Imhotep. It was like they were having this manly, testosterone-filled stare down. Rosie then made her decision, she couldn't trust the mummy at all. And it was the only choice she had. "I don't have a choice then," she said and then went over to take his hand but Jonathan stopped her along with Rick and Evie. But Ardeth grabbed the three pulling them back. Getting that was the only chance they had. "Don't do it, Roselyn!" Jonathan said and looked at his sister with worry and fear for her safety. She took his hand and it was surprisingly warm. Imhotep smiled and closed his hand around hers. "Keetah mi pharos, aja nilo, isirlan." Imhotep said to her softly, as if to a lover. "Come with me my priestess, it is time to make you mine again, forever" Beni translated and Rosie looked over to her group nervously. "It's for all eternity you idiot," Evie said and Rosie made a face. Was now really the time?

Rosie then found Rick's eyes, "You better think of something, because I swear if I get turned into a mummy I will fucking go for your ass first," She said and Rick almost smiled at how she almost sounded like the woman he met so long ago. "You got guts, Rosie," He said and Evie nodded "yes yes and she would like to keep them! Now we need to figure out how to get her back in time!" She said and looked back at Rosie. "Sis..brother...if anything happens...I love you both" Rosie said and Imhotep pulled her closer even though she tried to push away. "No don't say that-" Jonathan said and was cut off by Beni grabbing the puzzle box out of Johnathan's coat pocket. They struggled and Beni eventually got it. And walked back to Imhotep. He hands it to Imhotep who smirks, he then turned and pulled Rosie away with him, disappearing in the crowd. Rick fought Ardeth and wanted to go after her. "Roselyn!" he yelled. Ardeth pulled him away with all of his strength. "Be calm! Rose knows what she is doing, live today, fight tomorrow" but it was like Imhotep heard that. The crowd parted to show them. Imhotep didn't even look back as he said "Pared oos" and Rosie screamed like something took over her. "Nai! Nai!!" she yelled and fought him. Screaming Egyptian curses at the man holding her. The mob started charging at the group. Evelyn looked even more scared now by those two words. "What? What the hell is a Pared oos?" Rick turned to Evie who backed away "kill them! He said kill!" she said and the others soon started fighting the mob. One member of the mob had grabbed Evie and tried to choke her. Rick looked and charged at the man. "Evelyn! Get off my girl asshat!" He punched the guy and pulled him off her. Evy caught her breath and then sent Rick a smile "you said it again!" She mentioned and Rick grabbed her hand "yeah I did, now isn't the time doll!" he said and looked around for an exit. He then looked down and spotted a manhole. He peeled it open and grunted at how heavy the lid was. He then helped Evie in first and then pushed Jonathan in. he jumped in and then Ardeth. , Ardeth looked up to see the curator not joining them"go! I will hold them back! Kill the creature!" He yelled and then there was a silence on their end as Ardeth heard the curator's muffled screams as he was bludgeoned to death by the mob. O'Connell, Jonathan, Evie, and Ardeth Bay slosh their way down the watery catacomb, crazies pouring in behind them. Up ahead, a light suddenly shines in from another cistern hole, and then more of the infected crowd drop-down, screeching like rats. O'Connell jags right, pushing Jonathan and Ardeth Bay ahead of him, he strikes a match off the wall, lights the nubby fuse on a stick of dynamite, throws it, and runs like hell. Fireblast incinerates a bunch of crazies.

The explosion blows a cistern cover fifty feet into the air, followed by a mass of flames. The group continued to navigate the sewers and finally came up to a sewer grate. Rick looked at it and started to kick at it with the help of Jonathan and Ardeth. The sewer grate is kicked out of a wall. O'Connell, Jonathan, and Ardeth Bay climb out of the hole and into AN ALLEY. Rick helped Evie out since she was struggling a bit. "We have to get her back Rick, that's my sister," She said and then looked at him with tears in her eyes. And a tear rolled down her cheek. "I-i don't know what I would do if I lost her-" He gently wiped the tear off her cheek and kept his hand there. She couldn't help but lean into it. "We are going to get her back, I promise," he said. It was almost like they were about to kiss until Jonathan butt in. "I'm with you, old man. No one touches my sister like that and gets away with it" he said. The two parted, the moment ruined. Rick looked at Ardeth, "you know where he's taking her?" he asked. "Yes, to Hamunaptra, he will perform a ritual to bring the priestess Satiah back with Roseyln's body," he said. "Using her- what?" Jonathan's jaw dropped. Evelyn looked at her brother and walked with them. "It means he is going to kill her," she said. "Excuse me?" Johnathan said in disbelief. Ardeth Bay looks at O'Connell. "Imhotep is now able to cross the desert with great haste," he said. Jonathan taps him on the shoulder, "Begging your pardon, but I wasn't quite clear on that last part" he said with an impatient tone and Evie rolled her eyes. Ardeth Bay ignores him, "If he arrives before us, it will be too late"...

"Did you say 'kill' my sister?" Jonathan then received a smack to the head from Evie "yes! Now stop it!" she said and crossed her arms. O'Connell smiles as he thinks of a new plan.

"I know how to beat him to it"

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