Unanswered texts

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Meredith just finished her 15-hour shift. Well, she finished a 13-hour one, but she stayed a little bit longer at the hospital to catch up with some charts and patients.

After finishing up all of the things that she needed to catch on, she checked on Derek to see if he is already done with his Cerebral Aneurysm surgery; but, when she checked the OR board, she saw that he still hasn't finished his surgery. So, she decided to send a message to Derek saying that she'll go home early without him.

Meredith had just completed a 15-hour shift. She ended a 13-hour shift, but she stayed at the hospital a little longer to catch up on some charts and patients. Mer checked on Derek to see if he was already done with his Cerebral Aneurysm surgery after finishing all of the tasks she needed to catch up on. But, when she checked the OR board, she discovered that he hadn't completed it yet. So she decided to send a message to Derek informing him that she will go home early without him.

Meredith: Derek, I'll leave now see you at home :)) Kick some ass right there and tell me about it tonight. I love you xoxo 

As she drove home, she contemplated if she'll stop by the Chinese restaurant near their house but she decided to just go home straight away to take some rest. She knows that her roommates aren't home yet since they all started their shift later than her yesterday so she has the house to herself.

Driving home, Meredith accidentally slept through the red light with the honk of the car behind her waking up. Thanks to her great surgeon reflexes, she immediately woke up to the sound as she pressed the pedal.

When she got home, she looked at her phone to see if Derek has responded to her already. She saw that Lexie messaged her telling her that she would be out tonight and that she doesn't need to wait for her to go home.

 Lexie: Hey Mer, I forgot to tell you earlier at the hospital that I will be home late since I will be meeting up with my college friends for drinks later. Don't wait up for me okay momma? I'll go home safely and it's my day off tomorrow so don't worry about me. I won't drive under the influence of alcohol I promise :PPPPPPP love u so much mer ;)

Another message from Alex about groceries.

Alex: Hey Mer, I'm going to the groceries later. Do you need anything? Tampons, yogurts, bread? Just chat me and I'll drop by to the grocery later. And no, you won't pay for what you need since I want to treat you today.

And, another one from Bailey.

Bailey: Hi Mer can you watch Tuck for me tomorrow? I will adjust your schedule if ever you want to watch Tuck for me for a few hours please?? :)) I'll be waiting for your reply.

All those messages but still none from Derek. So, Mer chatted him again. 

Meredith: Slept through the red light but I safely arrived home. What time are you going home? I haven't seen you all day? Drive safely and Lexie told me that she won't be home maybe until tomorrow. See you Der

By the time that Meredith placed her keys on the kitchen table, she went upstairs to quickly change into her pajamas. With her tired state, Meredith decided to grab some glass and wine to reduce all that stress that she's feeling. Who the heck sleeps through a 50 second red light? And why can't she have a peaceful day in the hospital?

She decided to bring her glass that's filled with wine in front of the tv. She grabbed the remote and turned on the tv to check out what she's going to watch. Sitcoms, cheesy romance, baseball, soccer, and there she found it. A replay of Law and Order. She turned the volume a little bit higher as she positioned herself on the couch. And minutes later, she fell asleep with the tv turned on and wine on the center table.

Derek's POV

After my surgery, I immediately checked my phone to catch up on messages especially from Meredith. Tonight, Meredith and I have planned something special for our evening. We will be going to the Mefrays which is a fancy restaurant that just opened 15 minutes away from our house 2 months ago. I checked my email, and there I saw Meredith's messages to me.

Meredith: Derek, I'll leave now see you at home :)) Kick some ass right there and tell me about it tonight. I love you xoxo

Slept through the red light but I safely arrived home. What time are you going home? I haven't seen you all day? Drive safely and Lexie told me that she won't be home maybe until tomorrow. See you Der

She what?! I right away tried to call her but she didn't answer it. I tried it again but she still didn't answer. I still have 2 charts to fill in but I guess that it will have to wait first since my wife is important than my job. I'll just go early to work tomorrow to finish those up.

"Hey man, why are you looking like something bad happened?" Mark approached Derek.

"Meredith messaged me that she slept during the red light and now she isn't answering my calls," I replied.

"Maybe she's just sleeping right now? I just saw the schedule on the residents' lounge and this week really has been a hell for her. So don't get all stressed out, okay buddy? Anyways, go home to your wife now. I'm pretty sure that you miss her already. See you tomorrow at Joe's!" Mark assured me as he ran in the opposite direction I was in.

"Okay buddy, see you tomorrow!" I shouted back.

I stopped by my office to pick up my things and I stopped by Meredith's locker to see if she left any of her items left. I drove home quickly and it honestly felt like it's the slowest 15 minutes of my life.

When I got home, I immediately heard the tv and I know what she is watching. Law and Order. I opened the door with my keys after and I quickly walked to the living room to only see Mer asleep in an uncomfortable position, a wine on the center table, and a tv show that's playing out loud. I saw her phone at the table and I immediately placed it in my pocket to see if I can carry Meredith upstairs because she will almost fall with her position.

"Mer, you know you can't sleep here. It's way too uncomfortable." I gently woke her up as I kissed her forehead.

"Hmm, but I am tired. Come lie with me." She sleepily answered me while she moved a little to make some space for me.

"No Mer, I will carry you upstairs. Your position is way too uncomfortable and I don't want you to feel any discomfort."

She sleepily sat up and stared at me blankly. I flicked her nose and I slid my arms under her back and legs while she unconsciously wrapped her hands around my neck.

"Let me carry you to the bed okay?" I saw her nod to me as soon as I said this.

When we reached the room, I laid Meredith to her side of the bed and tucked her under the cover.

"You can go back to sleep first okay? I'm going to shower first. I love you Mer" I told her before I kissed her forehead.

"Okay, good night my love," Meredith replied to me, and is it cheesy that it made me smile? I walked towards my cabinet to get some clothes and then I walked to the bathroom. 

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