Part 1: A Different Path

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This afternoon starts the way it usually has
lately, shouting. Whether it's about his dreary room with black walls and covered up windows or his dark unkept hair making him look unprofessional, nearly everyday has started and ended in an argument. Today his tired grey eyes have new bags and his tone even more dead than the day before, every argument taking a part of his person away. His aunt Katherine's loving embrace and soft words hanging as only a memory from what feels like a lifetime ago.

     "Twenty years old and you still don't have a job, your parents would be so disappointed in you." Yami's Aunt Kay stands at his doorway yelling at him, only a few minutes after waking up.

     "I know Auntie Kay, I'm sorry that I'm such a burden." Yami sits up and swings his legs over the side of his bed, looking up at her with tired dead eyes.

     "Don't patronize me, look through these and apply to one of them." Kay throws a stack of papers printed from a job listing site.

     "I can't, you have to click these on the website to apply."

     "Then go on the fucking website, you can to that at least can't you?"

     "Yes, I'll look through jobs in our area."

     "Good, and don't backtalk me."

     "I was just-" Before he can even finish Kay yells at him.

     "What the fuck did I just say? You will do what I say as long as I'm the one taking care of you."

     "Sorry Auntie Kay." Yami's voice trails off with exhaustion.

       Without another word Kay leave's the room, Yami takes a deep breath and looks at the papers she threw at him. Many of the listings are for one time manual labor, others are fast food and store clerks. Yami sighs as he flips through the pages, until a single job catches his eye. Gaming Lounge Waiter a lounge Yami use to frequent with his highschool friends was hiring, one of the only jobs Yami might enjoy. After a brief call and some exchanging of information Yami is invited for an interview the same day.

      Yami dresses in his best dark jeans and a slighty too small white button up, looking about as professional as you can in jeans. He sneaks out before Kay can notice and walks to the lounge, the sun starting to set as he arrives. He walks up to the main desk and tells them he's here for the interview. He's instantly escorted to an office where the manager is and sits down across from him.

     "So you're Yami correct?"

      "Yes, Yamino Kingsborn." He sits up straight in the chair, a large part of his brain focusing on keeping the posture.

     "Okay shall we get started? You answered the first question already which was your full name so onto question two. What's your highest education level?"

     "Uh, I have a Highschool degree."

      The interview goes on for another twenty minutes before finally finishing up, Yami feels okay about the answers he gave but worries he didn't give flashy enough answers.

     "Okay, you're not a bad candidate but we are looking for someone with a bit more color. So we're going to go a different way, but thank you though for showing interest."

      Yami nods and leaves without a word, exiting the building and fighting the buildup of emotions. He finds an alleyway to hide and sulk in for awhile, sitting in a ball on the ground thinking about his life. The stress of his home life getting ignited by the rejection he just faced. When he stands up a wave of anger and adrenaline rushes over him and he punches the wall in front of him with full force. Upon impact a large shock wave of ice erupts and spreads a few feet in a circle around his fist, Yami stands there with even more emotions rushing through him than before. He takes a step back to look at what he created, a rigid circle of ice nearly two feet wide spreads from the impact. Before he could react he notices someone watching him from the other side of the alleyway.

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