Part 4: Getting Serious

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Two weeks after his training with Abbie starts Yami is given a rare day off. So far all he's learned is how the higher ups of Ash work together and the logistics of how the facility runs. He decides to spend his morning in the cafeteria making breakfast for the people working and in a hurry today. Yami enjoys seeing people smile and enjoy his food as they spend the few minutes saved by not having to cook. After being promoted Yami became the most popular subject, as predicted, and soon enough everyone in D-wing began to idolize him as the next Abbie. Finally understanding the bunker more Yami can explore without getting too lost, on occasion going into the wrong rooms. Each head is in charge of their respective wing, Riley A-wing, Lee B-wing, Fiona C-wing, and Abbie D-wing. Jayz has an office in a derelict hallway off the center wing, mainly managing the daily missions and resources. As Yami finishes cooking the cafeteria grows louder, when he looks to see what the noise is about he sees Abbie talking to a few of the people sitting down. He goes back to cleaning the mess he made when he notices a finger gestures in his direction coming from the group Abbie was talking to. She looks in his direction and smiles when their eyes meet, finishing her conversation and then walking up to Yami.

"Hey Yami, so this is how you spend your day off?" Abbie's friendly smile shows her intrigue with his choice.

"I was bored and then got the urge to do something nice for people. I'm not the best cook but a good breakfast can set the mood for the rest of the day."

"How sweet, next time we have a day off we should both cook for the wing. Everyone is in a better mood than usual thanks to you, it means a lot to them that someone like you is taking your time off to do something for them."

"That sounds like it could be fun. I did this out of a whim, I don't think I deserve that much praise."

"Of course not, why don't I show my appreciation and treat you to dinner tonight with me?"

"That could be fun, where were you thinking about going?"

"House of Umami, that new fancy restaurant that opened up in the entertainment building."

"Man Abbie I'm way too broke for that place, I've been sending all my money to my aunt."

"You're misunderstanding me Yami, I'm asking you out on a date. I'm paying, so what do you say?" Several eavesdropping bystanders begin to freak out after hearing her.

"Wow, uh, I'd love to go out tonight. Are you sure you can afford a place that fancy?"

"You don't need to wear a tux, even though that'd be cute, just wear some good dress clothes. I'll call you at seven, dress to impress newbie." With a flirty wave Abbie leaves and everyone begins to spread the news of the date.

The day quickly starts to get hectic as more and more people learn of the upcoming date, Yami even gets visits in his room from a few curious people. Yami's afternoon is used to hone his skill with his powers, slowly reaching his limit as the hours pass. Before long it's six and Yami starts to get ready for the date, he slips into black dress pants and an icy blue button up dress shirt. The remaining fifty minutes is spent meticulously trying to tame the messy jungle of hair, by the time his phone rings he actually looks like a put together professional. He and Abbie meet up outside the restaurant and Yami is paralyzed by her beauty. Her silver blonde hair carries an elegant wave, her dress an icy blue to match Yami's shirt.

"Well now I feel like I'm underdressed, you look amazing."

"You look pretty handsome yourself ice cube, hope you don't drain my wallet." Abbie's flattered smile leaves a lasting imprint in Yami's mind.

"Are you sure you want to pay? I don't have much but I can put some money in."

"I asked, only fair I take the first bill." Abbie gives him a comforting smile and he drops the subject.

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