Part 7: Judgment

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It's been seven months since the Justice Force publicized the atrocities the Black Wing has committed. Yami, Abbie, and Lynn have been spending all the time they can together as Yami's body begins to decline. The Black Wing has be throughly backed into a corner, many members leaving before things get even worse. The Justice Force has been actively seizing any property belonging to the Black Wing, only a single facility remains actively proving to be a near impenetrable stronghold. A large gathering stands in the lobby, at the front of the room stands Jay, Jordan, and Yami. Jordan steps forwards and addresses the room.

     "First, I would like to thank you all for accepting this mission. This will not be a routine capture or awakening kind of mission, a majority of you will do nothing if all goes well. With the assistance of the police department we will encompass a mile wide circle of the compound, creating a barricade and anyone trying to leave the area will be temporarily detained, no exceptions. This young man here is Yamino Kingsborn, he will be our only forward asset and he alone will end the Black Wing."

"How is one person going to stop the army they've amassed in the time since their attack on the city, its suicide isn't it?" A voice from the crowd erupts from the back.

"That's exactly what it is.." Jordan starts speaking but is interrupted.

"And I chose to do it, my own will and my own volition. When I was first grabbed they gave me a serum meant to mutate my power so they could watch how dna changes during the process. In my body it remained dormant, and at some point they came to find that out, so they drafted and executed a plan to inject me with a second serum designed to activate the first. Now, to prevent the mutation from reaching critical mass I'm injected weekly with a semi-radioactive drug. Soon my body will begin to shutdown and I'll begin a slow painful death. I made the choice to enact this plan, so I will tell you about it. I alone will be going in and when I'm at a designated spot, I will go critical. The estimated radius of my power is a mile, so don't cross the fucking barrier, the actual size will most likely be smaller as I will be using my power to clear a path and try to prevent any attacks of the barrier. This will be my last mission, I've lived a short life comparably but the time I've spent with my friends and family has made it worth it and for that I thank all of you. I hope the press after this whole thing isn't too bad, my personal interview with them last week hopefully will slow down their interest. I've gone off topic, sorry, Jordan you can continue." The room stares at him, his close friends in tears Yami stands up front with a smile while fighting sharing tears with his friends.

"Actually that's about it, does anyone have any questions?" Silence follows Jordan's question.

"Then Jordan, I believe it's time we start." Jay slaps Jordan on the back and chuckles.

"It is, everyone meet with your respective teams and report to area of the circle. Do not, I repeat, do not cross the barrier." Jordan dismisses everyone and the mission officially starts.

Yami and the rest stand together in the room, everyone fighting tears as they discuss the mission.

"I wish there was a better way of doing this Yami, I don't want you to die, we've barely even started our life together." Abbi holds Yami tightly, her tears soaking into his shirt.

"I know Abbi, I don't think I've done enough to deserve the love you've given to me in our short time. I wish I had the time to repay you, I hope at the very least I can bring you and Lynn peace after this is all over. She can go to school like a normal kid and you can finally live a life without the threat of death all the time." Yami kisses her cheek and looks at the others.

     "You know Yami, we could figure something out. Maybe even save your life before you rot away." Riley looks at him with tears welling up in her eyes.

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