Part 6: Into A Corner

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Two months have passed since the attack on Ash, Yami's been living the last months of his life to the fullest. Dates with Abbie, adventures with Lynn, and experiments with Riley. Never telling any of them about the contingency, knowing they would stop him. As the day of the attack begins, bad news soon interrupts Yami's time.

"Hey Yami, do you have time to talk?" Abbie and Yami stand in the lobby of the JF building.

"Yeah anything for you, what's up?"

"Your aunt, she passed away a few days ago."

"What happened to her?" Yami is barely able to hold back tears.

"Riley looked at her blood tests and noticed something distinctive, remember when you and Fiona destroyed the second manufacturing facility in the mountains? Well the first one was here in the city and contaminated a lot of the water. It caused a lot of cancerous tumors and behavioral problems, your aunt was one of the people affected by this."

"You're telling me, they killed my aunt? Those monsters didn't do enough to me already, really? Now I don't have any family left."

"I may not be family but you have me, and I love you. We all love you, but I love you the most remember that."

"Thank you Abbie, I'm thankful to have you. I need some time to myself, I'll talk to you later." Yami leaves the building, waking down the streets like a lost dog.

After an hour of walking he finds himself back home, back to the house he grew up in. Yami jumps over the fence and goes through the still unlocked door. The house feels strange and unfamiliar, the life and memories of the house nowhere to be found. He goes upstairs and enters his old room, it felt like only a few days ago he had that last fight with his aunt. The overwhelming emotions finally bring Yami to his knees, he stops fighting the tears and begins sobbing. His life being cut short before he's even twenty one, his parents never seeing him grow up, and his aunt losing her mind as she slowly dies, it all comes out at once. Yami lays on the floor curled into a ball, his eyes dried after hours of crying but his body still tries. Footsteps slowly go up the stairs, Yami too drained to care about reacting. Fiona's voice breaks the crushing silence.

"Yami, your aunt left you a will, Abbie and I brought the lawyer if you want to talk to him."

"Okay, I'll um... I'll be down in a second." Yami's voice trembles with pain.

"Okay, Abbie and I will make dinner. Please don't take too long, Lynn is here too and she's really worried about you."

"Thank you, I'll be down shortly."

Fiona's footsteps fade away as she goes back downstairs to see the others. Dishes clinking begin to fill the house with a familiar life as the girls begin to cook. Nearly ten minutes pass before Yami manages to trudge down the stairs. When he gets to the bottom he sees the three girls enjoying themselves in the kitchen, Lynn even making a little cake for dessert. He smiles at the sight, reminding himself about the family he still has left. Abbie looks back and notices him, running up and hugging him tightly.

"You dumbass I was scared shitless, I was scared you were gonna get hurt."

"I'm sorry Abbie, I kind of lost myself for a bit. Ended up here and I just kinda let it all out."

"It's okay Yami, I understand it can be hard. Oh god I forgot, this man over here is your aunt's lawyer and he wanted to go through some things with you." Abbie motions to a man sitting down at the table.

"My condolences Mr. Kingsborn, your aunt was a dear friend of mine."

"Thank you, she was a wonderful person wasn't she?"

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