Part 3: Rocky Start

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It's been three months since Yami's kidnapping, these few months he's been in rehabilitation for his shoulder and weekly psychologist visits with no combat training allowed. After getting back he agreed to join A.S.H or just Ash, because he was not cleared for field work his orientation was put on hold and he's been stuck doing odd jobs around the bunker. Today he's been called into a meeting with the four heads of Ash, Riley the thin crimson haired tech master, Abbi the blonde brawny one man army, Rylee a toned dark haired tactician as well as Rylee's twin brother, and Fiona the black haired super scout. When Yami enters the room the four of them are sat at a table with sparse conversation, Abbi is the first to notice Yami and waves him over. He sits down next to her and has a light conversation while they wait for the meeting to start. A man walks in and everyone stops talking, he exudes an aura of strength with every step. He walks to the head of the table and stands there looking at everyone.

"Yami, I believe this is the first time we've met. My name is Jayz and I'm the leader of Ash, it's nice to meet you."

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you too."

"So I just got the go ahead from your psychologist and your rehabilitation coach so I'm sending you on your first mission."

"Hold up, Jay you can't just send him out. He's yet to be oriented, and obviously because you're giving it to him personally this is a difficult mission. You're gonna get him killed and we will be even more desperate for new recruits." Rylee, clearly upset, raises his voice at Jay.

"Lee I understand your concern but I can't send two of you out at once, this mission is different than our usual ones and with Abbi's testimony Yami is clearly a strong asset."

"That's not the problem, he's untrained, has very little experience, and he's yet to prove that he deserves trust." Rylee once again shows how upset he is.

"So you didn't watch the footage of his awakening I take it, because it shows that he has the mental strength to keep calm and that his untrained power is stronger than many other members who've been training for years." Fiona glares at Rylee, almost ready to jump at him.

"Lee I'm with them on this one, he's already had to take two lives and has proved he'll put his life at risk for the right cause. Have you seen how he is with Lynn? He's quite a softie when he's with only one other person." Riley snickers at Yami as he averts his eyes.

"Okay, If that's what you all think then send him. I'm sorry for interrupting, Jay can you give us the rundown of the mission now?" Lee slightly blushes with embarrassment.

"Thank you, so I'm still unsure as to who would be best to go along with Yami. So one of Fiona's teams discovered a remote manufacturing plant up in the Leeshine Mountains, and minutes after relaying this information all five went missing. I can't imagine what they have up there that could be so heavily guarded but to take out five supers in a matter of minutes, but it can't be good."

"I think Fiona should go, she's the best at stealth operations and if a team she trained couldn't do it she's the only one that could." Rylee clearly doesn't want to go, but giving Fiona a chance for revenge is nice.

"Fiona, is that okay with you?"

"What's the op procedure?"

"I'll have you determine that because of how little is known. Riley I want passive surveillance on their gear and an active spot hack for when they breach." Jay asserts his position and power.

"Got it." Riley takes out her phone and starts texting, presumably to start the task she was just given.

"What is an op procedure?" Yami looks at Abbi confused.

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