Often times people ask, 'what's the purpose of life?'
To many people that answer may be different or skewed,
But the true definition of all life, is to love,
Love yourself,
Love your parents,
Love your family,
Love your neighbor,
Without love, there is only destruction,
With destruction eventually what becomes is nothing,
Species of animals and people begin to fall off the face of the earth,
People tear down other people,
Life in itself becomes meaningless,
What's the purpose of life if you don't have love?
What's the purpose of love if you don't have life?
Life and love are intertwined,
Together they create perfect harmony,
But apart, they are both worthless,
They are empty and shallow,
But together, they give strength and unity,
A power like nothing else,
A feeling of pure joy and happiness,
With love, life can truly happen,
We all can exist without worry or pain,
When love happens, life exists and has meaning!