Part 22

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the doctor came in he found them like that, Nicky fast asleep in Shane's arms. He smiled, 'I'd like to talk to you,' he whispered. Shane nodded and carefully got out from underneath Nicky, following the doctor out in the hallway. 'I heard he eat his food today?' Shane nodded, 'Yeah.' The doctor smiled again, 'He's definitely recovering from the shock. We'll be able to put him on drugs soon. Anyway, that's not what I wanted to talk about. I got your test results back today.' Shane looked up, 'And?' 'I might as well just tell you. You were negative.' Shane drew a sigh of relief; at least he'd be able to support Nicky without worrying about his own health.

'However,' the doctor continued, 'Did Jeffrey sleep with Nicky against his will?' Shane frowned. 'Yeah...' he said quietly, 'Why?' ''Well, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but he was diagnosed as HIV positive a few months back.' Shane gasped. 'He, he, he...' The words just wouldn't come out but the doctor nodded, 'Yes, I'm afraid he knew he was transmitting it to Nicky.' Shane could never remember feeling so many emotions rush through his veins at the same time before. He was upset, angry, confused... everything at once. Jeff's words kept echoing in his head. "I have it all under control." The doctor placed a hand on his shoulder; 'Will you be ok?' Shane nodded. 'You can sue him and get compensation for the cost of medical care.' Shane nodded again. 'Yeah, but what's the use? I have the money and it's not gonna make Nicky better. Anyway, I have to go home, tell Nicky I'll be back tomorrow when he wakes up.' 'You're right. I'll tell him that, see you.'

Shane got out of the car and almost choked as he recognised the person greeting him in the driveway. Shane decided to ignore him and just walked straight past. Jeff had other plans and grabbed Shane by his shoulder, turning him around. 'Hi,' he said casually. Shane smiled, trying to stay calm, but he knew it wouldn't be long until Jeff would get to him and he'd be screaming with anger. Jeff stayed silent, his hand resting on Shane's shoulder. 'I like your garden...' he said finally, referring to the big lawn and the little park behind it. 'Would you show me around, a little walk?' Shane shook his head, 'No.' Jeff looked at him, 'Yes, Shane. You are going to show me around,' he said firmly, looking Shane straight in the eye. Shane nodded and started to walk across the lawn, suddenly realising why Nicky wasn't able to say no.

They reached the park at the end, standing at the pond. Shane suddenly felt really calm. 'I was at the hospital today...' he started, breaking the silence, surprised at how normal it sounded. Jeff rose and eye brow and looked at him. 'Actually, that's where I have been spending the past week watching Nicky coming to terms with his illness.' Jeff continued to look at him. 'And?' Shane looked up and met Jeff's gaze, 'Jeff, I'm not stupid. I know what you think off me, but that doesn't matter. Nicky got infected with HIV sometime during the past month. I'm negative, and I haven't carried it onto him. The only other person he slept with the past month was you.' Jeff looked away. 'How would you know?' he enquired. 'Because me and Nicky have spent every day together the past month. Except the night when he was with you, if I can call it that. Have you done a HIV test?'

Jeff stayed silent, continuing to look at the pond. Shane continued. 'You have, haven't you?' Jeff nodded slowly, remaining silent. 'Positive?' Jeff nodded again. 'You knew you were transmitting it to Nicky.' Shane stated. Jeff turned around, a shocked look on his face. 'Yeah,' he whispered. 'Why Jeff? If you love Nicky, don't you want him to be happy?'

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