Chapter 1

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Just a heads up before you start reading, Otto is not married.😁

It was dark out now and I was waiting for Peter to get home, along with Harry, MJ and May. When he did get home, he took off his helmet.


'Well, say something', May urged.

'Ah, what's the occasion'? Peter joked.

'It's your birthday, you goof'. I laughed. May kissed his cheeks.

'Whether you want to remember it or not'. May went to the kitchen.

'Hey, so how are you'?

'Well, there's a lot of stuff happening at the theatre', MJ replied.

'She's brilliant', Harry added.

'Harry sent me roses'.

'So where've you been pal? You don't return my calls'. Peter looked at me.

'I've been busy'.

'Taking pictures of Spider-Man. How's the bug these days'?

'Now let's all go into the other room', May said.

'So, how are things going in Oscrop'? Peter asked.

'Oh great. I'm head of special projects'.

'We're about to make a break through in fusion', I added. Harry was a dear friend of mine.

He would always help me out. He got me into Oscrop for a job because I couldn't get into college. I knew how to do things but I was too lazy to do them.

Not being able to go to college was my wake up call. I was lucky to have a friend like Harry.

'We're actually funding one of your idols. Otto Octavius'.

'I'm writing a paper on him', Peter said.

'You wanna meet him'? Harry asked. I sat down.

'How is college going for you, Pete? Boring'. Peter chuckled at me.

'I remember someone saying they can't wait to go to college'. I chuckled half heartedly.

'Listen, I have to go. I'm so sorry'.

'Already'? Harry complained.

'Sorry but you guys know how my father is. He gets all mad when I come home late'.

'Why don't you just get an apartment? Like Peter', Harry stated.

'I told you. I'm afraid of his reaction when I do. I don't won't to risk it especially after not getting into college'.

'He still can't get the fact that you are one of the most smartest people in Oscrop'. I scoffed.

'Sure, Harry. Happy birthday, Pete. I'll see you around'. I winked at him before leaving.

I knew Peter was Spider-Man. How? Why? Cause I was like him. I got bitten by a spider too. I would usually fight beside Peter or take over for him.

But mostly his been taking all the work and his been missing out on some stuff.

Luckily, when I got home, the man was drunk. Passed out on the armchair. I snuck up to my room and lay on my bed.

I looked up at my ceiling and slowly dozed off to sleep.

The next morning, I got ready. Took a shower, put on some black jeans and a blazer over my collar shirt. I had to go with Harry and Peter to meet Otto Octavius.

To be honest, I haven't met him myself. I followed Harry, looking down at my papers.

'Doctor? Mr Osborn is here'.

'Nobel prize, Otto. Nobel prize. We'll all be rich'.

'It's not about the prizes, Harry'

But you need money. You need Oscrop'.

'And who do we have here'?

'This is my good friend I called you about. The guy that got me through thigh school science'.

'Peter Parker, sir'.


'I'm writing a paper on you'.

'Yes yes, I know what you're doing here but I really don't have time to talk to students right now'. Harry cleared his throat. 'But Oscrop pays the bills so-'

'That's right, that's why I have to take off. Board meeting. (Y/n)'.

I followed Harry and little further away from where we were standing.

'You stay here with Pete. Maybe you can get to know him too. Put your minds to play'.

'Harry, no. I can't. I got other stuff on my hands'.

'You've been working like a donkey. I told you. I'm here for you. Nothing is going to happen'. I nodded and turned back to Peter.

'Interesting fellow, your friend'.

'I won't take much of your time-'

'Parker, now I remember you. You're Conners student. He tells me your brilliant. He also tells me your lazy'.

'Trying to do better'.

'Being brilliant isn't enough young man. You have to work hard. Intelligence is not a privilege, it's a gift. You use it for the good of man kind. And you are'?

'Sorry, (y/n) (l/n), sir'. I shook his hand.

'Classmate'? I chuckled.

'No, not exactly. I work with Harry'.

'Ah yes, I think he spoke of you. The best mind in the building'.

'Well, that what he says. I would've loved to go to coll-' I trailed off.

The hairs on my arms stood up and everything seemed to quiet down. I could tell that Peter felt it too.

'Sorry but I have to go'.

'Of course'.

'See you, goof'. I elbowed Peter before leaving in a rush.

It was nice to get some fresh air but what I was about to do would cut off that supply of fresh air.

There was a fire that started in a building. I was told that a child was still left up there. It was an easy recuse and the mother of the child gave me a sandwich.

Kind of weird but I took it and swung to a building roof top. I peeled my mask just below my nose and took bites.

My suit was very much different to Peter's. It was white and pink, with a hood. Also, the eyes on my mask mimicked when I moved my eyes.

It was pretty cool.

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