Chapter 4

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I jumped up but hit my head on something hard.

'Ow'. I looked up to a ceiling. 'What th- I was just outside'.

'And now you're here'. I jumped on the ceiling.

'Whoa whoa whoa, don't kill me'.

'I'm not here to- listen, what's your name'?

'That kind of goes against the concept of the whole mask thing. But I fight along side Spider-Man you know'.

'Peter Parker'. I jumped down.

'Hey hey hey, how did you know that'? A guy with a spider suit walked out. 'Pete'? He took off his mask.

'Not your Peter Parker'.

'Then a brother or something or...'

'Your in a different universe. You came here by mistake, from a spell that was messed up'.

'What? Like birthday parties and stuff? Wait... so the multiverse is real? Oh my God, May'.

'You have an aunt May'? Peter asked.

'Surprisingly, my Peter has one too but much older. Not to be mean or anything'.

'You talk too much'.

'Sorry, I'm (y/n) by the way'.

'Dr Strange'.

'Oh, your using our made up names. Then I'm Spider-Woman... as you can see'.

'Yeah, we need to contain you'. A portal went over me and I was somewhere else in the room.

I tried to walk but a forced field stopped me.

'Hey, Mr wizard guy. Otto is trying to destroy my neighbour hood town and I need to get back home, I can't stay here'.

'Not until we found out how'. I sat in my cell.

It's been hours seating in my cell until I jumped.

'Fuu-fudge'. I looked at the lizard. 'Whoa'.

'Stop staring kid'.

'Hi, I'm (y/n) (l/n)'.

'Dr Conners'. I tilted my head.

'Peter's Professor'?

'What no. I work in a lab and met him there'. I nodded.

'Ohh, so different universe, huh'?

'Stop talking'. I stood up.

'Hey Mr wizard sir, I'm not really the bad guy here'. He made Peter appear. Let's call him Peter 2, it's confusing. 'Hey Peter, I'm not really the-'

'You'! I looked in the next cell.


'You two know each other'?

'She's the vermin that took everything from me'.

'W-what'? I took off my mask. 'What are you talking about? He did, the one in the cape. He took me from May and-'

'(Y/n)'? I looked at him and smiled. 'Yeah... I-I messed everything up. I-I knew that something bad was going to happen, I tried to tell Harry but-'

'Okay, enough with the chit chat. Peter, find the rest. There's more out there and you need to fix this'.

I watched the wizard and Peter 2 talk. Everything was so confusing. I missed home and people are going to find out when Spider-Woman and-

'I've been looking everywhere for you'. I looked back at Otto.

'Shit. If you noticed (y/n) disappeared meaning other people did and they might know Spider-Woman is gone and at the same time-'

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