Chapter 2

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Working in Oscrop was working behind a desk and I hated that. I hate having to work behind one. While walking down the stairs, the phone rang.

I jumped down the last two and grabbed the phone.


'(Y/n), hello love'. I smiled.

'Aunt May! Hi. W-what- why are you calling'?

Weirdly, I also had an aunt named May. She found out about the whole Spider-Woman thing and I don't think I want to relive that.

'I wanted to see if my nephew would like to come over for some cake'.

'Yeah, s-sure. I can make it May'.

'Great! See you after work then'. I put down the phone and smiled widely.

My aunt was the only one that took care of me after my mum died.

'Who was on the phone'? My smile dropped and I turned around.

'Aunt May'.

'Your still talking to her. What did I say? What did I say'? I flinched when he brought his hand up.

'N-not to-' he slapped me.

'Don't stutter, child'!

'Not to talk to her anymore'. He grabbed my neck and I was able to smell the alcohol in his breathe.

'That's right. Why'?

'B-because she-' he dropped me and kicked me in the face.

'Get out of here'. I scrambled to my feet and ran out the door.

When I met with Harry and Peter, the were concerned about my face. My nose was bleeding. Harry gave me a handkerchief.

Otto looked at me and mouthed if I was alright. I nodded.

'If I ever see your father, he's a dead man'.

'Relax Harry'.

'Today, you will witness the birth of a new fusion based energy source. Safe. Renewable energy and cheap electricity for everyone. Now let me introduce my assistants'.

He walked over and pulled a sheet to reveal something that looked like four tentacle arms. I watched as the tentacles joined with his body.

'Harry, are you sure that's safe? It looks like-'

'It's safe. He knows what his doing'. I nodded.

'These smart arms are controlled by my brain through a nero link. Nero wires feeds directly into my-'

'Harry, I don't think that's-'

'Relax, (y/n)'.

Suddenly, I felt my hairs stand up. I looked at Peter.

'Harry, I have to go. I'll be back over at your place tomorrow'.

I left in a hurry. I put on my suit and swung from building to building. Suddenly, I found what I was looking for. I touched down and looked at it.

It was a weird sort of thing. I had no idea what it was. I looked behind it. Nothing.

Swinging to my aunt's house. I closed the window with my foot and jumped down to the ground. Suddenly, something was thrown.

'May, what the hell'? She laughed.

'Sorry, I thought you have that tingle thing. A (y/n) tingle'.

'I do'. I picked up the banana. 'Just not for a banana'.

'Come on. Take off the suit and let's have some cake. What happened to you by the way? Your face and neck'.

'Oh, another villain, you know'.

'Don't kill yourself'. I laughed and shook my head.

I sat down and turned on the TV to the news.

'You know I found this weird thing in an alley way-'

'Hey! No suits at the table'. I got up from my seat.

'Wait'. I watched the TV. There was an accident where the lab was. Otto and all those people. It said that no one was hurt but Otto was sent to hospital.

'Oh my God'.

'I think I have to go to Peter's. Sorry May'. She kissed my cheek.

'It's okay. I get it'.

'Thanks'. I put my mask on and left through my bedroom window in her apartment.


I crouched on Peter's apartment ledge and tapped on the window. When he went to open it, I jumped in.

'What the hell happened, Pete'? I took off my mask.

'I don't know, something bad happened. I saved everybody but Otto was sent to a hospital'.

'Is he okay'?

'I'm not so sure. What happened with you'?

'I don't know. I found something weird but it's hard to explain'.

'We will talk tomorrow. Everything is hard to get into my head'.

'Talking to the one that's in college. I have to go home but I will see you tomorrow'.

 I have to go home but I will see you tomorrow'

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Our aunt May😁

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