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It is not easy to wake up early in the morning and sprint to work like a perfect maniac. But you have to do it for your own sanity, especially when you are using public transport to your work. I hate being late, that attention seeker vibes you get for being late. I don't like being rushed at the last minute, I certainly hate panic attacks. So to avoid all the negative effects, I reach workplace half an hour early.

My routine is simple, I have to reach my workspace by 8 am, that means I have leave home by 7:20 am, because public transport takes time. I have to be ready by 6:30 am prepare breakfast and lunch to carry. So, I have to wake up at 5:30 am to go for a morning walk. 

I don't know how to drive. Also scarred of driving. The fear of getting hurt and hurting someone made me opt for the public transport. While travelling I can listen to songs/podcasts and read anything, or even just take a nap. And I kind of contribute to environment, this sounds cliché but I can't help it. 

After work, I directly go home and avoid all the distractions. I like shopping, to spend money wisely I go for grocery shopping. This way I don't waste the money just because of my craziness. 

My mother is kind of skeptic about me doing crazy things with money. Because she believes in savings or buying gold as an investment. I do save money but not enough for any emergencies. With the salary I get, achieving all the simple checklist is kind of rough and tough. All I have to do is switch jobs that offers higher salary or wait for the correct time.

My mother and my neighbors are unhappy with my status. Why? Because I am still single. They would be mortified if I would be in relationship. They want my status to be Married

Maybe watched too many dramas, soap operas, movies or even real life couples. I am not optimistic when it comes to marriage. I just can't think good about it. And explaining my concerns to my mother or  neighbors. The only response you get is "You are aging! If you don't get married soon then you will remain single all your life and blame us for not forcing you to get married at the correct time." 

Everything seems funny, especially the insecurities in me are eating my brain. I am not good with the friendship thing. I do not know why people do not consider me as their friend, but I find them whenever they need something from me. I don't have any close friends or best friends, I just have casual friends to talk occasionally. So, sharing my thoughts or spending quality time or any friendship things does not exist in my autobiography. 

I like food, but I can't eat more. Food is the best thing to go for when you are happy, sad, heartbroken, and with all the mood swings. The trick is you have to choose the correct food for correct time. I do mess my own food mantra when I am hungry, can't escape the need-food-now situation and I end up eating whatever is available. That is why I prefer to carry my own food almost all the times to escape the hot-head-hungry situation. 

Actually I am not the complicated person, but when my overthinks everything then I can't help it. This overthinking-ness can be avoided if I had any real friends. But my luck on friend and friendship is null. Oh I speak to plants if that helps. I know I sound crazy and lonely, trust me I am not. I am just alone and have lot of free time to think and overthink. It is better to be alone than lonely in the crowd. I am kind of introvert maybe. 


"Why are you shouting?" My mother is furious at me. Obliviously why not, she has no idea why I am acting all cranky.

"You misplaced my clothes again, aren't you?" She is guilty yet acting innocent, Huhh! mothers and their innocent act.

"Your clothes are not my responsibility, do your own chores don't dump on me." Is she serious? Clearly I have told her not to touch my things and here she did the laundry and misplaced everything.

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