-The bet- (pt 1)

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- You and Tsukishima are in the same class
- You and him are the best students
- You and him are «enemies» but you have a crush on him and he has a crush on you. You just admire each other
- You are constantly trying to get better grades to see if the other notices you TuT
- Tsukki sits behind you


(Name)'s POV

"So, what's the answer to number 3?" Kuriko-sensei asked

We were in the middle of the Maths class, my favourite subject, I don't even understand why people didn't like Maths! You don't need to memorize anything!
I put my hand in the air to answer the question.

"Yes, Tsukishima?"
"The answer is 9 square"

That damn french fry. He and his long arms. The teacher could see him better of course. He and his long ass skinny arms. The arms that I wish were around my waist-
'(Name), stop fucking daydreaming about Tsukishima's arms for fuck sake' I thought

"(Surname), (SURNAME)!" the teacher yelled

-End of class-

-Lunch break-

Tsukishima's POV

Gosh, she's so pretty. The way her hair moves when she turns around, annoyed that I answered a question right before her. The way she laughs silently when I answer a question wrong. The way she gets happy when she has 100% on a test. That girl is driving me crazy-

"Tsukki!! ... TSUKK-"
"umm- whAT-"
"You're thinking of her again"
"No I wasn't"

I face my bento box trying to hide the light blush on my cheeks.

"Geez Tsukki. You need to confess to her."
"Your love looks are making me sick."
"Just fucking confess to her!"
"I can't!"
"Why not?"
"...I'm scared she'll reject me." I whisper the last part
"Tsukki, can you repeat, I didn't catch that-"
"Do not try to make me say that again"
"Gomen Tsukki-"
"But maybe I know a way I can confess to her-"

(Name)'s POV

I was listening to music on my earphones while I was eating my bento box. Alone. Under some stairs.

'Damn, not having friends sucks... Well, it's not my fault that no one has the same tastes that I do...'

Suddently I feel a tap on my shoulder. I take off one of my earphones and look up. 

"Hey pipsqueak~"
"Don't call me that..."
'please dont listen to me and continue to call me that'

"What are you doing here? Alone?"

"It's none of your business"

"I mean... I am eating. Lunch. Listening to music."
"No shit Sherlock. And why are you alone?" asked the blond leaning his head to the side with a curious look. It was the cuttest thing I've ever seen.

"I just don't relate to anyone and I never found anyone with similar tastes than mine or that cared about me, so I never had a real friend." I sigh

I could swear his face changed for a second for a concerned one.

"Oh- umm, sorry about that! Just talking without thinking aha- Wait... Why are you here?" I tried to change the theme of the conversation

"Just looking for you. I wanted to ask if you wanted to make a bet. With me." said Tsukishima while sitting next to me

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