-Bad grade-

295 6 0

- You're in class 1-5
- You have a crush on Tsukishima


(Name)'s POV

"Okay, class, I'm going to give you the marks of your tests, okay?"

History class. You hated it. You studied for weeks and the test went worse than you thought it would. 
You looked at your friend, Yachi, as she recieved her test.

"Yes!" she said quietly
"So??" You asked her
"A perfect mark! 100%!"

You felt your stomach turn. Of course you didn't mind that your friend has a better grade than you. Not at all! But... Everytime it happened... you felt... useless...
You knew she didn't study much. She's more busy with volleyball and her fashion designs she's always showing you with excitement-! But... You couldn't help feeling like that. It felt like a curse... You know-? Not being able to feel entirely happy for your friends because of that feeling.
You hated it.

"(Surname)?" The teather said next to you with your test on hand. 
"I'm really disappointed at you."

Your heart stopped...

she was- disappointed?

d i s a p p o i n t e d
d  i  s  a  p  p  o  i  n  t  e  d
at... me?

You felt your eyes get watery as you saw the grade and why the teacher was disappointed at you...


You always had 90-100% grades.
What was happening?
What was your problem?
What happened to you?
What was up with you?


Useless... Failure... disappointment...

You put your grade on your bag and looked at your watch. 2 minutes until you can get out.

The bell rang.
"Hey, (Name)... Do you wanna go to my club tod-" Yachi didn't find you on your seat.

After the bell rang, you ran straight outside. The tears wouldn't hold much longer.

You arrived at your club. The club that didn't have teachers to teach. The club that didn't have other members besides you. The club no one cared about. The music club.

You went inside and closed the door. You didn't even care about turning on the light. You pressed you back against the door and slide them until you reached the floor. Now, it was just you and the shadow of your...

your disappointment on yourself.

"Why are you like this, goddamit..." You whispered while tears began to fall.
You reach your bag and oponed it, taking the test out. Regreting it. As soon as you looked at it, tears fell even harder than before.

"You're fucking useless." You toss your test to the side and hugged your knees.


You heard your phone recieving a notification. 
'Where r u?' - Tsukki <3

Oh shit.

You completly forgot.


He missed an important math class because he was ill and wanted Yamaguchi to explain it to him... Turns out he didn't understood much either, so you volunteered.

Tsukishima Kei x Reader ONE-SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now